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Henrik Brobeck
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I wonder if somebody here could help me build this.

A new member panel that i can use on my firstpage as a center panel.
A simple panel that only shows up for members who login for the first time.

It whold be cool if the panel could transform to another text when the login for the second time and say like " welcome mebername"
Best regards!
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Rolf Mayer
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So you changed your idea of a question: http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/vie...d_id=28016 ?
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Henrik Brobeck
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Hmm.. If you read that. then u see that i dont get a answer.
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Craig 14
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So if you do not get an answer that gives you the right to open a new thread for the same thing does it?

No it does not, it does not for you, me or anyone else around here because it is a rule in the Code of Conduct and the rules must not be broken.

You have been told numerous times to watch your behaviour around here and been told numerous times to familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct, you have failed to follow the Code of Conduct, you continue to post here, there, and everywhere with the same stuff and you do nothing what so ever to help yourself.

We continue to answer your thread and try to help you but half the time you choose to either ignore this support you get or you just come out with something else random nothing what so ever to do with anything,

To be honest with you, I am getting really, really annoyed with this and I know I am not the only person here who has a problem with you and your posting. I think you really, really need to think first before you post things as you are just going to continue getting people really annoyed.

I for one will not be supporting you until you learn to support your self and learn how to follow the rules of the Code of Conduct, until I see such changes no support from me will be given and I do not wish to have any more conversations with you about anything regarding PHPFusion.

I am here to help people, but I am not here to do everything for people if they can not be bothered to learn themselves.

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Henrik Brobeck
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Hey? Bad day? Sorry dude.. I did not remeber that i did a post like this before, im sorry.
I know the coc and i have read it multiply times, but you can get it on diffrent ways.
Php fusion aint that big and you have a big competitor Joomla, so i cant understand why you cant be happy of your "customers".
I had in my mind of buying license cuz I thought it was a good site, but im really hesitates of doing that cuz of you.
As I said, sorry that i did not read all of my posts, I remebered that i wanted this panel and i could not remeber that I wrote this thread before.
And i know its not allowed, but i dont think php fusion will be worse just cuz i dubbel post.
Im almost the most active member on php fusion as i see it.
Have you ever heard that when you go to the mall?
A lady come to you and ask where the meat are. You answer where it is.
Next day the lady comes again and ask the same question.
Then you tell her to leave the store.
Best regards
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Craig 14
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Henrik Brobeck wrote:
I had in my mind of buying license cuz I thought it was a good site, but im really hesitates of doing that cuz of you.
Best regards

Cuz of me?
Why's that? Because I tell you to not break the rules of the CoC?

Please tell me why you would not buy a license because of me? This will be interesting to me and the managers.

EDIT: BTW Joomla is no Competitor of PHPFusion thank you very much.
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Henrik Brobeck
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I know that i cant brreak the rules. Everybody KNOWS but the maybe dont remeber all the rules. You learn by failure. I have learn alot of the cod of conduct, as not bump and not to post a new post just press edit.

And yes. You and homedax is the ones who complains the most.
Smokeman for exampel tells me what im doing wrong and answers my question.
Then i learn what i did wrong.
You and homedax lockes the thread and all that to show that they are the boss.

Its not? Well thats sad if you think like that.
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Craig 14
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Fangree_Craig wrote:


Henrik Brobeck wrote:
I had in my mind of buying license cuz I thought it was a good site, but im really hesitates of doing that cuz of you.
Best regards

Cuz of me?
Why's that? Because I tell you to not break the rules of the CoC?

Please tell me why you would not buy a license because of me? This will be interesting to me and the managers.

EDIT: BTW Joomla is no Competitor of PHPFusion thank you very much.


Also can you please tell me Have I gave you support or not?


Henrik Brobeck wrote:

Its not? Well thats sad if you think like that.

Well for 1 PHPFusion is a lightweight CMS Joomla is not. So explain exactly why that is sad?
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As what I can see/write over the last week or so - I think that you guys are a bit "after" @Henrik. He's telling why he did what he did - but it seems like it ain't enough.. ?

Im not only thinking of this thread here.

Regarding the CoC: We are different humans - with different understanding/learning of the CoC. ;)

Well, anyway - I hope you guys finding a way to become "friends" again. ;)

Have a nice evening all of you Fusionist's out there! :)
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Craig 14
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I get it now. so much makes sense now. I wish this occurred to me earlier. hehe. ;)

I was silly not to see what was going on here but now i have figured it out.

Ok I am done with this thread, No more needs to be said. I will not fall for it this time sorry boys. This old trout is not biting. ;)
Edited by Craig on 15-03-2011 20:48,
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Henrik Brobeck
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I will continue to use php fusion even if I come across some negative people here and there.
I just want to make a good site.
I just think that it is unnecessary for you to complain all the time.
I'm not good at coding, but I hope and believe that your goal is that everyone should be able to use php fusion?
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Rolf Mayer
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@Henrik Brobeck: You are such kind of people who do not want to learn but always want to be helped immediately.
You don't read what we tell you. What the hell is your goal here?
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Henrik Brobeck
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Who the hell are you to write who I am!!
You dont know a **** about me, my site or how much work i put on this just to learn how!!
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Rolf Mayer
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Henrik Brobeck wrote:
Who the hell are you to write who I am!!
You dont know a **** about me, my site or how much work i put on this just to learn how!!

I am a very successfull trainee instructor.
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Homdax 10
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Ok. Locked.

Henrik, you know as well as I do that you tried this at the Swedish NSS and we reacted upon it.

If you want to bring up Craig and Ypsilons (and others) attitude towards you as an issue, feel free to use our subforum for that: Site and Forum Issues

That goes for all that may want to raise issues with moderation.

PM's to Admins is not the way to go.

I realise it says to in the CoC, but that is not how I want it done.
Edited by Homdax on 15-03-2011 23:10,
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Craig 14
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