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Photo album problem version 7.01.05

Locked Asked Modified Viewed 1,467 times
J_Bear 10
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I'm experiencing a big problem with the photo album in PHP fusion 7.01.05.

I've created a number of categories with images to go with them. PHP fusion changes the names of the images around so that 'filename.jpg' suddenly becomes 'filenamejpg'. So it removes the dot and then glues the jpg to the image name.

It also does not create albums.

Furthermore, whenever I try to upload an image in the photoalbum itself it shows that it is uploading the image, but when it's done, there is no image. The image doesn't show up on the server either because it cannot locate an album to place the image in. Fusion also doesn't mention that anything has gone wrong during the uploading process.

This site is a clean install of PHPFusion 7.01.05

Someone, please help me.

(my personal site, updated to v7.01.05, on same server doesn't have this problem)

Problem solved.

Edited by J_Bear on 03-04-2011 22:10,
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J_Bear 10
For every 60 seconds of anger, you lose one minute of happiness
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