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small protection agains "page source view" via browsers

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Hi everyone :)

Today I was thinking about how much work people add making new designs especially for those who just starters at this role (like me), and if you try hard you created something that at least to you looks nice :) ..But one day some random amateur gets to your site, "rips" the hole code and copy the themes pics. And that's quite sad.. especially for those who spend a lot to time to create that theme..
I know that it's impossible to fully protect your theme, and source code from "thieves"
However maybe anyone have ideas how at least basically protect your theme.php, style.css source from simple chrome, opera, firefox... "page source view" functions? (so at least amatuers can't read it so easily)
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Just some Guy
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You can't extract php files from view source, only the outputted HTML. To reverse engineer a theme from that would be a lot of work when all you have to do is request a copy of the original files from the author. PHPFusion is licensed under AGPL, which means anyone can request theses files.

Anyway, why would you mind others accessing your css file when this is an open source community? The whole point of OS is to share your work so that others can use and maybe improve it. Once you put something on a publicly available site, a tiny minority can take your work and claim it as their own, that's just the nature of the internet. Many have tried to block "view source" but there is no foolproof way of preventing to do so.
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yes I mean html source not php (my mistake) :) I understand that php-fusion is open source, but am I correct saying that the theme I design (created) and coded to run on php-fusion is my intellectual property? and if I find website with the same theme I could request to delete it right? :)
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Just some Guy
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If you design your own theme for your site, you must under the terms of the license* share the theme with anyone who requests it. They are obligated not to remove any authors credits or links and cannot pass it off as there own work.
If someone "rips" your theme, images, etc without acknowledging you as the original author, you can request they remove it and if they refuse you can contact their host who may take the appropriate action.

* unless you buy the appropriate license.

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I understand now. Thanks for detail explanation :)
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i am sure i agree what Philip says
You can't stop people from using what you show them.

PHPFusion is licensed under AGPL

1) but one thing you can do it is to protect your images add your logo or water mark

2) try to disable the right click

by using java script

i am sure that my help you
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Ex Senior Dev.
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And every visitor can disable java script => no protection... everything you can see in the browser is transfered to the user, so you can't protect it!
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Rolf Mayer
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There is a possibility to protect your stuff:

Don't publish it on the internet! B)
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Ankur 10
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You cannot stop people from doing like this if you have made your Stuff Publicly Downloadable. Like, if you make a Theme and you've submitted it on public website(like this), then anyone can download the Theme and can edit the source itself and can use it...

But it also depends on the user that how he uses it. B) This is his responsibility that How does he shows that it also includes some work done by you... B)

I am also suffering from one people who has just removed the copyright from my theme and using it by just removing one background image using in buttons... So what I am currently doing, is contacting him through the website... B) LOL !

So you can also try the same ! ;)
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NetriX 10
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You can't stop users from copying your source. It's rather simple to reverse engineer PHPFusion theme's if you know what your doing.

Not to brag about it, but I can do it within 30 minutes usually depending on the severity of the images.

There are methods of getting around the AGPL to stop users from requesting your theme, methods in which I care not to explain due to annoyance.

I have a solution for your problems. While you cannot stop users from ripping your source, you can however use PHP and .htaccess to stop users from downloading your images.

I suggest reading this article as it covers exactly what I'm referring to.

Article: http://michael.theirwinfamily.net/articles/csshtml/protecting-images-using-php-and-htaccess
Demo: http://michael.theirwinfamily.net/demo/php/imageBlocker/

But then again, if the user is extremely dedicated, they could run print screen and just save the images accordingly, your best hope is there noobish when it comes to brainstorming methods around it.

Good luck,
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