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recursive file browser

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I tested this just for fun, playing with putting code directly into the new panel box rather than making a file panel. If you don't have ftp access it is a way to see what files are available.


function directoryToArray($directory, $extension="", $full_path = true) {
   $array_items = array();
   if ($handle = opendir($directory)) {
      while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
         if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
            if (is_dir($directory. "/" . $file)) {

echo "<b>". $file."</b><ul>";
               $array_items = array_merge($array_items, directoryToArray($directory. "/" . $file, $extension, $full_path));
            else {
               if(!$extension || (ereg("." . $extension, $file)))
                  if($full_path) {
                     $array_items[] = $directory . "/" . $file;
echo "<li>". $file."</li>";
                  else {
                     $array_items[] = $file;

echo "</ul>";
   return $array_items;

//modify the following for your path as needed

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