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the sentence of the days

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Here is a script has to inserer in one panels a random sentence a day perform fields for everyday in the script.
work with php-fusion7.02.01.

openside("the sentence of the day");
echo "";
opentable("the sentence of the day");
<script type = "text/javascript">

theDate= new Date();
var day = theDate.getDate();
var textdate = (theDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + theDate.getDate() + '/' + theDate.getYear();

var numquotes = 31;
quotes = new Array(numquotes+1);

quotes[1] = "Quote for day 1";
quotes[2] = "Quote for day 2";
quotes[3] = "Quote for day 3";
quotes[4] = "Quote for day 4";
quotes[5] = "Quote for day 5";
quotes[6] = "Quote for day 6";
quotes[7] = "Quote for day 7";
quotes[8] = "Quote for day 8";
quotes[9] = "Quote for day 9";
quotes[10] = "Quote for day 10";
quotes[11] = "Quote for day 11";
quotes[12] = "Quote for day 12";
quotes[13] = "Quote for day 13";
quotes[14] = "Quote for day 14";
quotes[15] = "Quote for day 15";
quotes[16] = "Quote for day 16";
quotes[17] = "Quote for day 17";
quotes[18] = "Quote for day 18";
quotes[19] = "Quote for day 19";
quotes[20] = "Quote for day 20";
quotes[21] = "Quote for day 21";
quotes[22] = "Quote for day 22";
quotes[23] = "Quote for day 23";
quotes[24] = "cool";
quotes[25] = "excellent";
quotes[26] = "Quote for day 26";
quotes[27] = "Quote for day 27";
quotes[28] = "Quote for day 28";
quotes[29] = "Quote for day 29";
quotes[30] = "Quote for day 30";
quotes[31] = "Quote for day 31"

document.write('<i>' + quotes[day] + '</i><br>');



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