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Content Management - Is it possible to populate downloads categories with files via FTP?

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Hello, all.

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction regarding a wall I have been banging my head on for awhile.

I installed PHP fusion to manage a large repository of pdfs, images, excel files, and posters for a dealer group. I cannot figure out how to do bulk upload of documents. Is there any means of doing this other than uploading one file at a time? If I have categorized and subcategorized my download areas, isn't there a way to populate my folders via ftp instead of the single file upload approach? It seems so obvious to me, that I figure everyone already knows how to do this. I cannot find info anywhere. All the infusions seem to allow you to browse your uploads, or do single uploads from another area, but not bulk. If you can bulk upload images, why not PDFs?

Many Many thanks for any info or insight on how I might achieve this.
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