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Willing to pay for a custom built point/reward system

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As the title states, I am willing to pay for a point/rewards system (whatever you want to call it).

Key features I would need are:
- easy to use admin interface to add/deduct points if needed
- admin interface with option to choose specific user and see their point history
- ability to earn X amount of points per different actions around the site (submit image, login, forum post, etc)
- ability to earn a max amount of points per action per day (ie., 5 photo submissions a day will be rewarded, while any after the 5th will go unrewarded)
- a points store where members can spend the points they've earned
- ability for members to earn points for refering a friend who registers
- ability to freeze member point accounts (due to cheating, spamming, etc)

Additional, but optional features are:
- ability for members to send points to each other (once per day/until X amount of points have been sent to same member to prevent cheating)
- ability for members to add points to their account instantly via paying for them
- automatic reward of X amount of points on members birthday and/or anniversary on site
- for every X amount of 5 star ratings on content submissions, members are rewarded X amount of points (ie., every 10th 5 star rating, a member gets 10 bonus points)
- ability to redeem a code to earn points (sort of like a gift card/microsoft points card)

I know it seems like a lot, but it would be worth every dollar to me.

Please post here for more info or if you are interested.
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