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IPB intergrate to php-fusion v7

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i saw it has allready been done for v6 http://www.rkblog.rk.edu.pl/w/p/php-fusion-and-ipb-integration/ but who uses v6 now :) i think maybe 1% of people that used php-fusion.

Well the deal is invision power board rocks, i would like to intergrate that into php-fusion but with my knowledge i can't.

So basicly users wouldnt have to register 2 times or login 2 times into php-fusion or invision power board.

also here is some example of nice intergration into site http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php ofcourse pbbans dont run php-fusion, but just a thought :)

I hope someone will help me and i think also few others, that would like to have that board in php-fusion.

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