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Special characters / Scandinavian

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Hello all,

I'm the webmaster of a danish brassband, and I need to register our members by their fully names, but I ran into a problem. In Denmark we have three "special" letters ( æ Æ / ø Ø / å Å ), but they are normally not allowed in usernames in PHPFusion, but I really wish they were.

I find it very complicated to find all the files, who need to be modified for allowing the letters above, so my question to You is: Can anyone of you tell me which files I have to look inside?

- Actually I need this letters too: ü é

This modification must at least be done at monday - tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to some qualified answers B)

Merged on May 15 2011 at 21:54:33:
I got the answer!

You have to edit line 178 in "includesclassesUserFieldInput.Class.php" - then it should be working.
- thanks to egonbj, a user on the danish support site.
Edited by Bubbidk on 15-05-2011 21:54,
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