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Automatically Generated Links.

Asked Modified Viewed 1,106 times
Kevin Maschke
<3 PHP-Fusion
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Hi, I'm currently creating a new website with PHPFusion. And I got a question.

I installed the "Features" Infusion because I want to mod it and use it as "Anime List", and instead of using 1 or 0 (yes or no) values, I'll enter full texts (as for example Genre, Studio, Chapters...).

So, I created the Category "Anime" and I use the "Feature Name" field for the Anime names. And I replace the Versions (PHPFusion v6, etc) with stuff like "Genre, Studio, Chapters, year...).

And my question is:

Is it possible to make that the Anime Name (feature name) automatically generates a link to an article with the same name?
I mean, for example, if I have and Article named "Akira" and I add these anime to the features list (anime list), automatically PHPFusion searches in the "fusion_articles" table under "article_subject" for Akira and takes the "article_id" and creates an link to the article. So in the anime list, the anime name "Akira" automatically converts into a link to the article about Akira.
I understand that to do this the anime name and the article_subject need to have exactly the same name, but that's no problem.

Would it be possible?

EDIT: Or if someone knows any other infusion that does something as I ask for, please tell me. I mean, like an Anime DB, or Games DB...

Merged on May 27 2011 at 23:53:57:
Edited by Kevin Maschke on 28-05-2011 00:53,
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