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Adsense in articles without Iframe

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Hi, guys. I used iframe to show gog ads, but they changed the rules and adsense is not allowed to be showed in iframe. Now the question is how can I show adsense if we have these conditions:

* no iframe
* Automatic Line-Breaks shoul be ON - all my articles are formated this way...

If I switch off the Automatic Line-Breaks everytihng is ok, but my articles are displayed on one line. Any Ideas?

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No problem, are you open to have adsense displayed in a panel, and in this panel are you will to have it displayed on all pages (although you can choose via admin which pages to exclude).

So in :: Admin Panel > System Admin > Panels

Add a new Upper or Lower Center panel.


<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7277300469198625";
/* 468x60, created 6/25/09 */
google_ad_slot = "7885283957";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
<script type="text/javascript"

Replace my adsense code with yours.

Also, if you only want it on articles, edit the panel and under "Panel Restriction:"

add the following - /articles.php

Select the "Include on these pages" radio button, save.

Here's a screenshot for further details.
NetriX attached the following file:
ads.jpg [No information available / 68 Downloads]
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Craig 14
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Take a look in the Addons DB for Ads Panel that might help you.

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Hi thanks for the ideas, but I want something different.

Here is an example of what I am talking about: http://xn--80aalqgkndear.net/radio-fresh-radio-fresh-a3.html - here Automatic Line-Breaks is OFF and adsense appears like a charm.

I whant the adsense rectangle to be embeded in the text, like this ad. I modified articles.php and added the code in render_article function, but It can only be displayed in iframe or if Automatic Line-Breaks is OFF.

I want to avoid iframes or automatic Line-Breaks is OFF and show the ads surrounded with the text of the article. Big G forbade showing ads in frames and my articles doesn't appear well when automatic Line-Breaks is OFF...

Can I add the code in render_article function it theme.php?

There must be a solution
Edited by abithecat on 03-08-2011 22:40,
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