When ever I try to open my website in the browser it redirects to google.com regional domains like google.com.np, google.in or google.nl. I tried to check if there any problem with the redirects but didn't see any redirects made to google. I tried to open mysite from many location but still the same problem. Could you please help me.. MY website is www.elxproject.com
I would go to PHP-Myadmin and see if you IP address is one of the entries in the blacklist table. Use this link below to see what your IP address is. http://www.whatsmyip.org/
If you have Dynamic connection, try restarting the Modem and get a new IP.
If you have a static IP, then look for your IP in the BLACKLIST Table in the Database or Admin Panel --> User Admin --> Blacklist --> Blacklisted Users as said by above People and Remove the IP.