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Ankur 10
Hi! Its me, Ankur Thakur! smile
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Sorry ! But we don't help those People who don't care about the Copyright of us :@

You removed the copyright of PHPFusion :@ . Also, my theme copyright :@

Read Code of Conduct !
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Agree and also after all the effort you all have put into this CMS and addons.
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Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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Believe me, Ankur, I know what you mean - seeing such a lack of graditude, when you've made something that people can use for free. And the only condition is, a small copyright notice, discretly placed in the footer of their site. Some people have no respect! But the good thing is, that the majority do have that respect and graditude, and those are the ones I'm focusing on supporting - they are worth all the trouble, and all the work we put into making this CMS the best it can be.

Remember: This is suppose to be a fun hobby, filling out some of your spare time. So don't let a few small brainers, with twisted morals, ruin that for you. The majority respects your work and appreciates all those things, that you're doing for this community - you can certainly count me, as one of those people - no doubt about that! ;)
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Ankur 10
Hi! Its me, Ankur Thakur! smile
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@Harly: Yeah... It feels a little sad when one don't care about your stuff...

By the way, you know that there was a post(which is deleted now by some admin I guess) containing a link to fusion website before I posted ? That was a reply to that post... :)

EDIT : The link was http://www.leocitymc.lsghost.com/
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Homdax 10
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Dont worry, we ban/delete those users upon sight.
Too bad they do not respect OpenSource
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Harly 10
Regards, Har1y.
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By the way, you know that there was a post(which is deleted now by some admin I guess) containing a link to fusion website before I posted ? That was a reply to that post...

I already guessed that, Ankur! ;)

And, as I wrote: "This is suppose to be a fun hobby.. So don't let a few small brainers, with twisted morals, ruin that for you." Try to keep that in mind, my friend! :)
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I found this one while searching google for Halo the other day.

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wow, you guys are jerks. First off, I did not remove anything. I payed a local website designer $450 USD for something that I thought he owned the copyright to. After looking around your site, it's pretty obvious I was ripped off, but that's a personal problem that I will have to deal with.

In regards to your content, I will gladly try and find what coding the guy removed from the site so I can post the PHPFusion link where it belongs in the footer as Harly noted. Which is only if I bother to continue using this software after being accused of stealing it when I didn't.

In regards to your accusation of it being your theme Ankur; some of it might be yours and I will gladly put a section on the site where there is a list of all the items that I didn't add with links to the profiles here of who did add them, but you will need to tell me which parts you created only because I do know that the guy I paid wrote some code for it because I watched him do it. I personally have also edited some of the backgrounds and such.

Maybe next time Ankur, instead of accusing someone of stealing copyrighted work the second it's missing items in the footer. Ask them a simple question of "why isn't our copyright on your site?" and listen to their explanation first. There are some thieves, and then their are people who get f**ked over by other people.

Either way, I'm currently in the process of looking through all of the code to find where it inserts the footer. Once I have found it I will C&P that into my site code and then give a general accommodation to Ankur for anything he might have contributed. Once done with all of that, I will re-post my original question.


alright, I have finished re-adding in the footer, let me know if this abides by your "Code of Conduct", as for credit Ankur, are you satisfied with what I put or would you like me to put a neon sign in Las Vegas as well? (It's a joke, if you don't like it then ignore it)

Website Link
Edited by toxic375 on 30-12-2011 18:25,
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Ankur 10
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