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on site chat room

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I am lookign for the few days for a chat room - somethign similar to the one used on face book - login to website automatically logs you into the chat and the main requirment is to have it on my site rather then openign a new window. Can someone point me int he right direction if there is such a thing?

Am thinking is should use shoutbox for this purpose but with more members online it might become confusing :(
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PHP-Fusion PL Crew | Spam Cop | My Site
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Similar to Facebook is Ajax IM:


Ajax IM is an open-source, extensible, theme-able instant messaging framework.


Also there is tinychat. Attached , don't know if it works with latest version
Edited by Kamillo on 03-02-2012 08:36,
Kamillo attached the following file:
v7-tinychat_v1_27.zip [No information available / 375 Downloads]
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I have found Ajax Chat also, but haven't been able to find any screenshots to see what it looks like - have you actually used - my main question is if when opened, will it open separate window or can it work inside of phpfusion panel?

I will try the fiel you sent first, thanks again :)

Merged on Feb 03 2012 at 14:48:07:
added tinychat - no luck on latest version of phpfusion, unless i did something wrong?

I am getting new panel, absolutely empty, when i try to click on it the following message appears in Google toolbar: numrows = ; counter = ; window.setInterval('checkmsgs()', 1000); function checkmsgs() { if ....
Edited by mns_Svetlana on 03-02-2012 14:48,
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