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User's Voice

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Just some Guy
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Take it from me folks, this is a very cool infusion :)
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:D Thanks!
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jikaka 10
www.rusfusion.ru - russian nss
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good work:)
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Homdax 10
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I just fired up a small task to make some improvements to this. By the looks of it you have done some fixing, Kneeko? Should it not be released as v. 1.1?
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It does includes some fixes compared to the one we're using on Next but considering it wasn't released here I just used v1.0 and that's it. What improvements are we talking about?
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Borek 10
www.ddadc.com.pl - The Spiritual Adoption of Souls in Purgatory
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I found error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_REQUIRE_ONCE in /var/www/virtual/my_site.pl/infusions/fusion_voice_panel/fusion_voice.php on line 1

What should I do?
Edited by Borek on 03-01-2012 00:17,
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Download the package again - it's fixed now.

Explanation: At some point one of my editors saved the fusion_voice.php file in a strange format (bad line endings) and although the code inside was OK, it was saved on a single line. Some web servers could handle it, while others couldn't. So I fixed the line endings in that file and updated the infusion in the Add-on DB.

Nota bene: Nothing else is changed so there's no need for others to re-download the infusion but just in case they want to make sure they have a fully working version no matter where they might migrate their website, you will only have to replace fusion_voice.php and that's it.
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Minor bug found on line #32 in /infusions/fusion_voice_panel/includes/func.php. It's only about sorting items but on the Accepted page items should be sorted down by the number of votes.

Original code snippet from line #23:


ORDER BY ".($project_status == 0 ? "tvp.project_votes"

Correct code snippet on line #23:


ORDER BY ".($project_status == 0 || $project_status == 2 ? "tvp.project_votes"

As this is only a minor bug it will be included in a future release of the infusion. If no other bugs/fixes/suggestions are reported by the end of January, version 1.1 will be published on February 1st.
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Borek 10
www.ddadc.com.pl - The Spiritual Adoption of Souls in Purgatory
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It works great now. :) Thank you. B)
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kneekoo wrote:

Minor bug found on line #32 in /infusions/fusion_voice_panel/includes/func.php. It's only about sorting items but on the Accepted page items should be sorted down by the number of votes.

Original code snippet from line #23:


ORDER BY ".($project_status == 0 ? "tvp.project_votes"

Correct code snippet on line #23:


ORDER BY ".($project_status == 0 || $project_status == 2 ? "tvp.project_votes"

As this is only a minor bug it will be included in a future release of the infusion. If no other bugs/fixes/suggestions are reported by the end of January, version 1.1 will be published on February 1st.

This doesn't look like my func.php file

| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) 2002 - 2011 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Filename: func.php
| Version: 1.0, August 13, 2011
| Author: Ionescu Vlad (Senzo)
| Co-author: Nicolae Crefelean (kneekoo)
| Co-Co-author: Philip Daly (HobbyMan)
| Website: http://www.phpfusion.ro/
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { exit(); }

require_once INFUSIONS."fusion_voice_panel/includes/locale.php";

$voice_settings = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."voice_settings"));

function list_projects($project_status, $items_per_page = 5) {
   $items_per_page = preg_match("#[0-9]+#", $items_per_page) && $items_per_page > 0 ? $items_per_page : 5;
   global $userdata, $locale;
   if (!isset($_GET['rowstart']) || !isnum($_GET['rowstart'])) { $_GET['rowstart'] = 0; }
   $rows = dbcount("(project_id)", DB_PREFIX."voice_projects", "project_status = ".($project_status == 0 ? 1 : $project_status)."");
   if ($rows) {
      $query = dbquery("SELECT tvp.*, tu.user_name FROM ".DB_PREFIX."voice_projects tvp JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users tu ON tvp.project_user = tu.user_id WHERE tvp.project_status = '".($project_status == 0 ? 1 : $project_status)."' ORDER BY ".($project_status == 0 ? "tvp.project_votes" : "tvp.project_datestamp")." DESC LIMIT ".$_GET['rowstart'].",".$items_per_page);
      echo "<div style='padding: 10px 0 10px 0'>\n";
      while ($p = dbarray($query)) {
         $description = strlen($p['project_description']) >= 500 ? trimlink($p['project_description'], 500) : $p['project_description'];
         $nr_com = dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_type='FV' AND comment_item_id='".$p['project_id']."' ");
         $show_vote = iMEMBER ? true : false;
         echo "<table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='3' width='100%' align='center'><tr>\n";
         if ($project_status >= "3") {
            $final_votes = dbquery("SELECT project_votes FROM ".DB_PREFIX."voice_projects WHERE project_id = '".$p['project_id']."'");
            $x = dbarray($final_votes);
            $votes = $x['project_votes'];
            $show_vote = false;
         } else {
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Also, my Infusion works but does not show in my admin>infusions drop down menu. Also edit and delete do not work. I have to do this via dB.
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Borek 10
www.ddadc.com.pl - The Spiritual Adoption of Souls in Purgatory
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@djdubuque - It should work:

| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) 2002 - 2011 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Filename: func.php
| Version: 1.0, December 27th, 2011
| Author: Ionescu Vlad (Senzo)
| Co-author: Nicolae Crefelean (kneekoo)
| Co-Co-author: Philip Daly (HobbyMan)
| Website: http://www.phpfusion.ro/
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { exit(); }
require_once INFUSIONS."fusion_voice_panel/includes/locale.php";
$voice_settings = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."voice_settings"));

function list_projects($project_status, $items_per_page = 5) {
   $items_per_page = preg_match("#[0-9]+#", $items_per_page) && $items_per_page > 0 ? $items_per_page : 5;
   global $userdata, $locale;
   if (!isset($_GET['rowstart']) || !isnum($_GET['rowstart'])) { $_GET['rowstart'] = 0; }
   $rows = dbcount("(project_id)", DB_PREFIX."voice_projects", "project_status = ".($project_status == 0 ? 1 : $project_status)."");
   if ($rows) {
      $query = dbquery("SELECT tvp.*, tu.user_name FROM ".DB_PREFIX."voice_projects tvp JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users tu ON tvp.project_user = tu.user_id WHERE tvp.project_status = '".($project_status == 0 ? 1 : $project_status)."' ORDER BY ".($project_status == 0 || $project_status == 2 ? "tvp.project_votes" : "tvp.project_datestamp")." DESC LIMIT ".$_GET['rowstart'].",".$items_per_page);
      echo "<div style='padding: 10px 0 10px 0'>\n";
      while ($p = dbarray($query)) {
         $description = strlen($p['project_description']) >= 500 ? trimlink($p['project_description'], 500) : $p['project_description'];
         $nr_com = dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_type='FV' AND comment_item_id='".$p['project_id']."' ");
         $show_vote = iMEMBER ? true : false;
         echo "<table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='3' width='100%' align='center'><tr>\n";
         if ($project_status >= "3") {
            $final_votes = dbquery("SELECT project_votes FROM ".DB_PREFIX."voice_projects WHERE project_id = '".$p['project_id']."'");
            $x = dbarray($final_votes);
            $votes = $x['project_votes'];
            $show_vote = false;
         } else {
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djdubuque wrote:

This doesn't look like my func.php file

As Borek said, it should work. I only posted a fragment of line #23 because I wanted to highlight the specific change. If you want to apply the update simply use the search feature of your editor and you will find the fragment I mentioned.


djdubuque wrote:

Also, my Infusion works but does not show in my admin>infusions drop down menu. Also edit and delete do not work. I have to do this via dB.

This infusion has been tested quite intensively and apart from the "unexpected T_REQUIRE_ONCE" bug reported earlier by Borek I have no reasons to believe the infusion would act this strange. Make sure your files have all been transfered properly by FTP, because partial transfers sometimes happen and in such cases it is normal to experience unexpected behaviour from the PHP scripts involved.

The files responsible for adding the link in the drop-down and the edit and delete features are:



1. Re-upload those two files (or all) AND make sure you don't have partial transfers.
2. The link to the infusion (drop-down + the infusions tab in Admin Panel) is only created when you infuse. If you defuse, all the data of the infusion will be deleted, so if you have suggestions do not defuse. Instead, preview this code in a custom page:
$result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".DB_ADMIN." (admin_rights, admin_image, admin_title, admin_link, admin_page) VALUES ('FVP', '', 'User's Voice', '".INFUSIONS."fusion_voice_panel/voice_admin.php', '5')");
if ($result) {
   echo "Link successfully added to the infusions section.";
} else {
   echo "The link could not be added to the infusions section. Please check the <a href='".ADMIN."errors.php".$aidlink."'>error log</a> for details.";
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— 30 days later —
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I forgot to mention that version 1.1 is available since February, as promised a few weeks ago.

1. Fixed parse error in fusion_voice_panel/fusion_voice.php (bad line endings)
2. Fixed item sorting on Accepted page (fusion_voice_panel/includes/func.php)

There's no need to overwrite all the files or to re-infuse. You only need to overwrite the two files mentioned above and that will take care of it. I'll be here for more bug reports, improvement suggestions or praises. :)
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