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Help: TS3 Viewer Cannot Connect

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So, I'm unable to get this panel to work on my site. It's a TS viewer panel that I downloaded from another site. The code only doesn't work when set as a panel. If however you just look at the page it works.

Can anyone see a reason why it would break if looking at it as a panel?

I uploaded both a page compatible and the panel one. the one with 2 = the page compatible one.
Daywalker attached the following file:
phpz_ts3_panel2.zip [No information available / 513 Downloads]
phpz_ts3_panel.zip [No information available / 471 Downloads]
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Which error(s) do you get - or what happening ?
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The error that pops up is that it cant connect to the td server. If you look for ts3 = it should go to the error i get but its a false positive since it works when accessing as a page.

if(!$ts3->build_ts3()) die("can't start ts3viewer");

Doing some working backwards, I echo'd that variable and it came back null instead of 1 or true.

I have very little knowledge regarding using class functions and this-> etc. but part of me is suspecting that the script going through panel isn't liking the __construct either fully or partially.

Was able to create a fix! Which is attached to this post.
Edited by Daywalker on 01-03-2012 06:13,
Daywalker attached the following file:
phpz_ts3_panel_1.zip [No information available / 504 Downloads]
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