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PHPFusion Gaming Community

Asked Modified Viewed 5,122 times
BombJe 10
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Hello webmasters,

I'm using PHPFusion since the v6 version and I've alot of XP using this Content System Management system.

I'm going to launch a big Gaming Community with PHPFusion but need volenteers to help me build it. (Only PHPFusion webmasters with PHP, HTML or Design / GFX skills).

The website (domain name we will discuss toghetter) will be a multi gaming social network.

I need at least 7 people to feel like helping me and the other 5 webmasters!

What skills do I need to help building the gaming community?

[olist=1]2 Years PHPFusion Skills (30% PHP, 60% HTML 10% Proffesional Website Building)
You need MSN Messenger but after the page is online we talk in our admin chat infusion.
You need to play at least 2 multiplayer games online. (Consoles: PC, Xbox, PS3 or wii)
You need a little bit of Photoshop, illustrator, or other MS Office skills.
You have to be up to date from new features and releases of other games.
You need SEO skills.[/olist]

What are we looking for?

First of all gaming must be something you like and when you put alot of work into the gaming community website you'll see our network growing, growing and yes growing :)

[olist=1]Languages Inspectors (looking for faults on our BETA content page)
Infusion Designers
Panel Designers
News & Article Writers
Community Admins (Polls, Forums, Activtities - YOU MUST LIKE TO CHAT and HELP people and stay polite in every single situation)
Language experts (We'll have 3 Languages to start with so we need translators: Dutch, French and English Ofcourse {if English LOCALE ...)
Social Networking Moderators (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube)
Graphic & Theme Updaters
Community Support & Email Support & VIP Support (We need people to take this job seriously because people will be able to pay for more features on our Gaming Community)


For the scamming people? No way, this system will be highly secured and we'll have servers around the whole world. So if a server crashed it will auto backup and launch on other server in the same country.

I would say any questions? You want to appeal for a job? We won't pay you but the visitors will pay you by our advertise. When the community is big you will get payed by time online, posts, and other tracking services. So to explain it simple: I need a team that wants to edit PHPFusion but keep there licenses legit and build the community what you would like!

We will have a main page and a BETA page. All content, updates, news will be on the BETA page, setted on Maintenance mode so only able to login by Admins.

In my eyes I would give every PHPFusion user the chance to join and help building the gaming community. Please if you're interessted and always wanted to become rich by building, updating websites. Give it a try!

Merged on Mar 08 2012 at 05:45:41:
Send me a private message or post here if you need more information or if you want to apply for a volenteer job in our community.
Edited by BombJe on 08-03-2012 07:45,
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Great idea! Really don't have the time now. I can help you with a design I've made: http://rusfusion.ru//infusions/moddb/...mod_id=486 it has nice features like active links and others. I think if you modify it it will become a great game site!
P. S. I have used http://www.gamefront.com/ for inspiration.
Also if you have game servers I can provide you with LGSL for fusion.
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Homdax 10
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I think it is a great idea. Should you need a host where to put the site, contact me.
We need to expand on ideas that may bring Fusioneers together.
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Tyler 10
Helping, would be pointing you in the right direction, not doing it all for you.
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Good idea but many things probably haven't been thought about. I can do what I can to help if you organize things a bit more.... It would be nice to gather a group and shoot off ideas. like I said good thought but I don't really have a clue on your vision or where you want it to go.
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Oooooh.. is that what Deep Corruption does? Ooopsie...
.. so, how do I heal without Holy Radiance spam anyway? I forgot...
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If you want help with any world of warcraft infusions/panels send me a PM.
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Archer 9
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This site looks heavily modified something you should look at maybe. http://soditaltf4.co.uk/
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Archer wrote:

This site looks heavily modified something you should look at maybe. http://soditaltf4.co.uk/

I see just iTheme 2.... Don't get it.
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BombJe 10
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Thank you for all your respond!


Archer This site looks heavily modified something you should look at maybe. http://soditaltf4...

I've been watching the website and it's not what I'm exactly looking for (Theme & Structure). Thank you anyways.


Morelegen If you want help with any world of warcraft infusions/panels send me a PM.

Yes would be nice. But only world of warcraft based? I'm looking for someone who can script infusions by there self. Ofcourse that personne get an advertise on our page. But the WOW infusions/panels are welcome because it's going to be a multi gaming community. Based on infusions/panels for every single popular game on the web. Thank you for your support Morelegen


Mittens Returns Good idea but many things probably haven't been thought about. I can do what I can to help if you organize things a bit more.... It would be nice to gather a group and shoot off ideas. like I said good thought but I don't really have a clue on your vision or where you want it to go.

I've always been interessted in gaming. I was a pro gamer on bomberman and now I play gamebattles with my devine team on call of duty (XBOX360) and now we are ranked number 20 of europe on the biggest ladder of the world :), anyways... I know we should think about who's going to do what... but first of all I need a team and it's not possible to get everyone online at the same time without arrange it toghetter. First we need a team and I need people who reply on the forums with what they like doing with php-fusion what skills they've and if they can help making panels / infusions. (If we put these panels in the mod databases on diffirent PHPFusion modification websites it's promotion for our community aswell). So to explain it short: I need to know who wants to help doing this and that... I'm going to be the webmaster who's going to check you guys ideas and give premission. (all the ideas will be launched on the beta website - avaible for community builders/helpers only We'll have an intern forum and chat aswell or maybe an IRC it's up to everyone. It's important to discuss everything in team and everyone needs to be agree or respond if you disagree.
PS. Thank you for your motivated post ;)


Homdax I think it is a great idea. Should you need a host where to put the site, contact me. We need to expand on ideas that may bring Fusioneers together.

If you mean a host and domain, sorry I'm used to one.com they offer me great support so I stick to this host. I had a friend I know in real life and he has his own hosting company even he couldn't convince me. Sorry, but thanks. If you have knowledge about php-fusion you could maybe help us a bit (You're Super Admin of the NSS of PHPFusion you could do something, right? :D)

Volenteers: BombJe (Webmaster - Domain and Host manager)

What do we need?: Article, News & Forum Admins, Infusion / Panels developers, BETA testers, Themes Editors / Designers (We will start with 1 theme in future we want 3 themes for free members 10 for paying members), 1 scripter who can make a little ladder system (BETA) and a Community Master (Arranged activities, keeps everything clean, weekly report the webmaster about what's good and bad on 'gaming community'.

Readers: Please guys, don't be scared to ask if you're interessted. When I get 5 people who are really motivated to be 'gaming community volenteers' then we will discuss a domain name (Perfect seo based, short but powerfull and easy to keep in mind.) If we have alot of visitors I will open my own webshop so people can buy / win headsets, mouses, keyboards, ... )
Edited by BombJe on 09-03-2012 19:10,
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Oooooh.. is that what Deep Corruption does? Ooopsie...
.. so, how do I heal without Holy Radiance spam anyway? I forgot...
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I offered to code for World of Warcraft because it is the only game that I am currently investing any real time into. I can of course code other things, but for the most part, I would have no idea what other games require. That, and I've already started working on certain World of Warcraft infusions, so it isn't like it would be any extra work for me =D
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BombJe 10
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Moregelen wrote:

I offered to code for World of Warcraft because it is the only game that I am currently investing any real time into. I can of course code other things, but for the most part, I would have no idea what other games require. That, and I've already started working on certain World of Warcraft infusions, so it isn't like it would be any extra work for me =D

I don't know if you're that skilled but is it possible like if people select the game world of warcraft in there edit profile (games field) that they can see who on my community is online @ world of warcraft and in wich game mode our world they're playing? It's just a random question :D

otherwise I need someone who could make a ladder system for php-fusion I would pay for it.
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Homdax 10
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If you mean a host and domain, sorry I'm used to one.com they offer me great support so I stick to this host.
Lol. My site runs on One.com, so I get that. Yes I might be able to do something, but I am not good at coding any solutions.
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Oooooh.. is that what Deep Corruption does? Ooopsie...
.. so, how do I heal without Holy Radiance spam anyway? I forgot...
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Track if they are apart of the wow community and online the website? Easy.

Track if they are online wow itself? Not without their having installed a third party program that informs the website when they launch wow and when they exit wow.
Edited by Moregelen on 09-03-2012 19:11,
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BombJe 10
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Homdax wrote:


If you mean a host and domain, sorry I'm used to one.com they offer me great support so I stick to this host.
Lol. My site runs on One.com, so I get that. Yes I might be able to do something, but I am not good at coding any solutions.

In what you're good then? And do you play games?

What do we need?: Article, News & Forum Admins, Infusion / Panels developers, BETA testers, Themes Editors / Designers (We will start with 1 theme in future we want 3 themes for free members 10 for paying members), 1 scripter who can make a little ladder system (BETA) and a Community Master (Arranged activities, keeps everything clean, weekly report the webmaster about what's good and bad on 'gaming community'.

Merged on Mar 09 2012 at 17:18:57:


Moregelen wrote:

Track if they are apart of the wow community and online the website? Easy.

Track if they are online wow itself? Not without their having installed a third party program that informs the website when they launch wow and when they exit wow.

And are there third party programs or would they offer it to us if you apply it?

And if you're interessted to help is it only for WOW infusions / Panels or would you help for community based infusion / panels aswell?

@ Readers: Does anyone have an idea for a nice domain name?
My ideas: gamerhub, gamermind, gamebook, Livegamer, consolegamer, addicted2gaming
Edited by BombJe on 09-03-2012 19:18,
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Homdax 10
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BombJe 10
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Homdax wrote:


Would be nice, but the goal of my website is not attracting only php-fusion users but also PC, xbox, wii and other console gamers. The page is going to be made with PHPFusion and I'm trying to attract alot of PHPFusion webmasters to help with this project so it become big and famous. Just a real gaming community with Reviews, News, Forums, Stream, Movies (Upload - Fusiontube but recoded?) Chat, Gaming ladder, Events, Give aways, ... there's plenty things we could do but the first goal is making the forums verry active! then we can build a bit by bit!

EG. we got 7 volenteers who wants to help. Everyone likes the website on his facebook, twitter. We get our own youtube channel and promote gaming products get subscribers, ...


Multiplayer Chat / Forums (based on games)
Alot of members online
Live Stream
One Day Cups

I just need people who are interessted in building a big community and people with PHPFusion skills. Because people who prefer php-fusion knows there's a way to get alot of people to your page if you stay motivated!

I knew a website called BombSpelen.nl and this page was a bomberman community; it had 1500 members and there were always 14 people online at least. My goal is to make something like that but game related and with 100+ visitors online!

Merged on Mar 10 2012 at 04:47:15:
Anyone interessted to work as volenteer? :)

Merged on Mar 10 2012 at 19:03:11:
It's weekend guys I'm thinking to buy on wednesday a domain and host so comon i need volenteers! PHPFusion Gaming Community Project!

Merged on Mar 13 2012 at 07:50:27:
BUMP!! :o
Edited by BombJe on 13-03-2012 09:50,
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Homdax 10
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BombJe 10
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Oooooh.. is that what Deep Corruption does? Ooopsie...
.. so, how do I heal without Holy Radiance spam anyway? I forgot...
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Tyler 10
Helping, would be pointing you in the right direction, not doing it all for you.
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Archer 9
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