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The biggest website

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Gutek 10
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What is the biggest website (in terms of number of users) based on php-fusion?

Does this interest anyone?

Sorry for my English
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Former Senior Developer (v7.02) and Hungarian Translator
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Recently I've registered on sites those have about 50-60.000 users, but I don't know what is the biggest site.

Edit: hmm, maybe here it is: http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/forum/vie...d_id=30506 :)
Edited by Korcsii on 09-03-2012 12:50,
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Gutek 10
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So did I was the owner of the largest website? Now I have only 137 283 registered users, but two weeks ago it was more than 303k (Removed inactive accounts to free logins)

I ask because I do not know if I can officially advertise the slogan "The biggest webside based on php-fusion"
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Former Senior Developer (v7.02) and Hungarian Translator
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Nice one. Could you link your site? I'm curious what is the topic of that site. :)

Anyway, I do not know if there is any statistic, so I can't say that it's the biggest, but 303k... that's huge. :)
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I'm also interested... how much of the code is really "PHPFusion"?
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Gutek 10
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My "fusion" is modified in the middle level, most they are small modifications, amendments and improvements, but a few written from scratch as a new, for example watermark system, a system of warnings and slimmed statistics (the original,kill server when they have a large number of visits), but no major interference in the main code page.
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I like it. I have one question, since I didn't see an option for it. The simulator looks very cool. But does your site have multi-lang support enabled? Is that an option for Fusion?

(nvm. found pimped fusion. :))
Edited by KageTenshi on 11-03-2012 15:43,
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Michael Scholtz
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That makes my 1900 members and 17 000 000 visits seem positively mundane.

About the only thing I've ever had a problem with regarding size was forum posts having a 64000 thread limit. That I had to go ask a dba friend of mine to help with it, turns out it was the integer value or something. Anyway I set that to 16,7 million or something like that.

I have no doubt it can run much larger. I may have to up the hardware on my server at some point to improve performance.
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Gutek 10
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We do not have multi-launage because in practice, each country has a webside of this game on his language, visiting from other countries it's only 5% of all visits, and we have no chance to compete with the English webside.
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Homdax 10
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I do not mean to diminish any numbers, but it would be interesting to know:

1. How many registered users are still active (have logged on last 1-3 months)
2. Do you keep all the accounts from the start date of the site?
3. Do you delete or ban spambots?

The answers to my questions are intended to shed some light of the real member statistics. If you ban a spambot account, instead of deleting it, that spambot still counts as member, if you have a user that registered in 2009 but never logged in, that still counts as a member.

In my opinion one should only measure and count active members. You may consider different premises for an active member but I would not count a 5 year old account with no posts as an active member. And my spambots gets deleted (they should be deleted in any case) or I would probably have 300.000 members on this site.

So if you have 10.000 members, but only 300 logged in the latter 6 months, that is a bit of false numbers claiming 10.000 members.

Don't get me wrong, I do not question your numbers, but please take what I write in to consideration. :)
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Gutek 10
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1. Users who logged on last month stirred 47 024
2.No, I already wrote above, it has recently been removed oldest inactive accounts (170k) to release logins.
2. Spambots are removed immediately disappear because all their messages.
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Possible, if you have original content..There are few sites for this area..
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Michael Scholtz
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Homdax wrote:

I do not mean to diminish any numbers, but it would be interesting to know:

1. How many registered users are still active (have logged on last 1-3 months)
2. Do you keep all the accounts from the start date of the site?
3. Do you delete or ban spambots?

The answers to my questions are intended to shed some light of the real member statistics. If you ban a spambot account, instead of deleting it, that spambot still counts as member, if you have a user that registered in 2009 but never logged in, that still counts as a member.

In my opinion one should only measure and count active members. You may consider different premises for an active member but I would not count a 5 year old account with no posts as an active member. And my spambots gets deleted (they should be deleted in any case) or I would probably have 300.000 members on this site.

So if you have 10.000 members, but only 300 logged in the latter 6 months, that is a bit of false numbers claiming 10.000 members.

Don't get me wrong, I do not question your numbers, but please take what I write in to consideration. :)

The user control infusion is brilliant for tracking this. I deleted 740+ users after this was installed.
I now ban about 3/4 of the users/bots that register on the site I have disallowed gmail hotmail mail.ru etc to register, it blocks allot but not all spammers. What works well is disabling comments on news but leaving one of the older ones able to receive comments as a honeypot.

I don't however delete users that register but don't visit more than once, they are clearly interested in our subject matter and and some point may come back again, also on mail-outs they still get the notifications.
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For a change it's nice being on a PHP-fusion site where I don't have to worry about the admin side of things.
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