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upgrading from 6.01.13 to [last v7]

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mark tempe
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Sorry for bothering sooo late with this problem again... I read to and fro but I still have a few doubts and a problem:

1) I MUST do every single upgrade... Right?
2) Assuming yes, I can't find some upgrades in the middle. Here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-fusion/files/PHP%20Fusion%20Core%206/ there are some of them but not all. Does it mean that, for example, from .13 to .16 is one of those cases when I can skip the intermediate ups?
3) as I'm here, just before I mess up too much, is there something special I have to do apart backuping everything and following the guide? (i.e. http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/articles.php?article_id=42 )

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Falcon 10
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1. Yes
2. You can jump 1 or 2 version on v6, but on v7 you must do them one after another.
3. Nah, just take something to eat and drink next to you, cuz you will have lots of updates to do.
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mark tempe
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- chocolate & juices acquired
- starting...
Thanks a lot!

Merged on Apr 12 2012 at 00:15:19:

I arrived to version 7.00.04 and (very cleverly I would say...) BEFORE backuping everything, I changed the theme to similitude...
now I get this:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare opensidex() (previously declared in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/themes/Similitude/theme.php:136) in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/theme_functions_include.php on line 196

How can I go back? Which file should I edit? Or should I execute a specific query on the db?

Merged on Apr 12 2012 at 00:30:13:
edit: problem solved :D :D I renamed the corresponding folder and so the forum rolled back to the default theme. Finally I could change it.
I guess that theme is an old one no more compatible ("Similitude v7" is quite an inspiring name....)
Edited by mark tempe on 12-04-2012 11:25,
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Homdax 10
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As a general advice it is always a good idea to:
[olist=1]set language to english
set the theme to a default theme (one that is available in the version you are upgrading to
upload upgrade locale files
upload upgrade database file and run it
upload the rest of the updated files
if you change to locale to another language, make sure it is translated, locale version changes are always posted here
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mark tempe
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Thanks Homdax too, I clearly see the reason of setting a standard theme.

One more issue: I'm now at the 7.00.07 and I'm going to upgrade to 7.01.00. I uploaded the locale folder and the upgrade.php file, but when I open the page it says that "There is no database upgrade available."
Does it mean that I could safely upload all the rest and pass to 7.01.00? It seems so, but I'm a bit in doubt after all the "YOU MUST perform the upgrade first!" I read so far :D
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the friend for mongose side have the php-fusion numbers http://www.php-fusion-archive.fangree.com/
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Homdax 10
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Does it mean that I could safely upload all the rest and pass to 7.01.00?
If that is the version before 7.01.00, yes it should be safe to upload them files.

Mongose, that archive list may exist on Craigs site, but the most relevant upgrades are also on Sourceforge. As a matter of fact we all helped each other, including myself and Craig, to gather those archives.
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the numbers files are identical up to other Sourceforge twins identical same for all.
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mark tempe
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Sorry, I looked before at the shoutbox and then here...
As I said, at that link (that is the first place where I looked at, of course) there are ALMOST all the updates, but not all of them. Clearly it is not a big deal as I think I am one of the few remained with such an old version, but still...
In any case everything seems to work well, let's see...

Thanks again Homdax, now I have to work a bit, but tonight I will go on with the updating process.

Merged on Apr 12 2012 at 23:33:22:
Uhm.. I got this error after having uploaded the 7.01.00 (opening news.php):


Notice: Undefined index: settings_name in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 66

Notice: Undefined index: settings_value in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 66

Notice: Undefined index: locale in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 95

Warning: include(../locale//global.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 202

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../locale//global.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 202

Notice: Undefined index: login_method in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 244

Notice: Undefined index: login_method in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 246

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 831

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 832

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 833

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 834

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 835

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 836

Notice: Undefined variable: userdata in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/maincore.php on line 837

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 43

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 46

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 50

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 51

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 52

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 53

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 61

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 64

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 67

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 68

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 69

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 70

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 71

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 73

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 75

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 76

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 79

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 82

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/system_images.php on line 85

Notice: Undefined index: sitename in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/output_handling_include.php on line 20

Notice: Undefined index: description in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/output_handling_include.php on line 21

Notice: Undefined index: keywords in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/includes/output_handling_include.php on line 21

Notice: Use of undefined constant THEME - assumed 'THEME' in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/themes/templates/admin_header.php on line 24

Warning: require_once(THEMEtheme.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/themes/templates/admin_header.php on line 24

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'THEMEtheme.php' (include_path='.:') in /home/hosting/m/marktempe/www/cruel_runners/themes/templates/admin_header.php on line 24
Edited by mark tempe on 13-04-2012 08:32,
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Upgrading issues - 8


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