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Donators and vip

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i would like some mod for donators and vips. So when admin goes to someone profile, he can choose if person will be vip yes/no, donator yes/no with simple button.

So if person would be
-vip it would display on profile

- donator

but i wouldnt like to do that with groups and so on, i would like to decide about that on each profile

And if anyone got a clue about donators list. I would like to have simple list of donators
- username of donator
- ammount donated
- date of donation
and from that list if its possible to get data to user profile, so only admins would see if user donated and when and how much in total

I'm looking forward for help and i'm thanking you in forward.

Merged on Jul 16 2012 at 01:50:41:
i can pay for this PM me
Edited by Jebajseti on 16-07-2012 02:50,
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