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Submit Link Form

Asked Modified Viewed 3,115 times
Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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How do i expand on this

// Submit Link Form
$locale['420'] = "Use the following form to submit a Link. Your submission will be verified by an
Administrator. Links deemed unsuitable will not be accepted.";
$locale['421'] = "Link Category:";
$locale['422'] = "Link Name:";
$locale['423'] = "Link URL:";
$locale['424'] = "Link Description:";
$locale['425'] = "Submit Link";

What I am want to do is add in more fields, and what other .php files are required to be edited.
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- Tony -

Mainsite still running version 6 pfft
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You must start adding the extra fields to your weblink tables database, before it make sense adding it to submit link - done that ?

Files : besides submit.php , the weblinks.php to show your extra fields and ofcourse the admin file so you can edit and maybe also the search.php (not sure) if all field should be search able

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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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This one is going to take some time. :|

Merged on Jul 19 2012 at 01:08:46:
I would still like to know what this refers to ['425']
Edited by Vyper69 on 19-07-2012 07:08,
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Mainsite still running version 6 pfft
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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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