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Download Size

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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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The download size is to small. I have made the change prior to this post and others. But even with changing the settings for downloads it still rejects them on size. Myself I am stuck with uploading the files by ftp, then placing the url of the download in the submissions form, then the download is accepted. Once before i made a similar post and someone mentioned this was controlled by the database. let's use for example files of 1,000,000kb granted i have some files larger than that. They are custom maps and custom content for a game.

I wouldn't ask or suggest it, if i didn't already try to change the download settings.
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Craig 14
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In php.ini you must change upload_max_filesize ask your host or if you have access to php.ini then you can change it there. google php.ini for help.
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Homdax 10
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I have a past related to some game modding. What game, what kind of files? Care to explain why they are so big?

I can not think of any reason why a normal CMS should allow for GB file download without looking at the download twice. This require your own server since even if you may be able to edit or create a php.ini as Craig suggests, it is far from sure you are compliant with your hosts terms of usage.
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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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I do have access to the php.ini, but this line is not present "upload_max_filesize"

The game is Day of Defeat: Source. The reason maps are so big, is because of the Source SDK, which allows to create custom maps. There are hundreds of maps for the game. Because of the elements within the game and what you place in them, depends on the file size. We do everything we can to optimize the maps or the custom content in order to keep it small, but even the smallest map can be 5 to 10mb. And there are a few maps that do end up being extremely large. The largest map i have in my game files right now is 106,993kb, but like i said there are larger maps. Even custom content like skins or login screens things like that can get very large depending on the detail used. i have a custom content folder sipped, that is around 900,000kb
Edited by Vyper69 on 19-07-2012 20:23,
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Homdax 10
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You can add that line to it, if I am not mistaken.

About them maps, ok I get that. Game maker these days are gonna have to use Blueray soon to fit the content on one disc. Can you point me to any largish community of that game? And your own? I would like to check out how you pack those maps. I might have suggestion or so, did some similar some time ago. Maybe not maps for those games, but distribution of software.
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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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I don't currenty have sourcerealmmapping.com up and running. I pulled it down for the same reason. But you can see different maps at http://gamebanana.com/ this is probably the largest and most popular site for games like TF2, DOD:S, HalfLife, and so on. I just changed the upload size on oilrefionbusiness.com to 10240kb and tried to upload a 8263.68kb map, and it wouldn't take. The map editor is hammer editor. some people use a program called pakrat to pack the files others just use the built in features. Also added "upload_max_filesize = 10M" to the php.ini, and still no results.
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Craig 14
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If memory_limit is enabled this also affects file uploading.
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Homdax 10
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It is a matter of memory allocation as well. Google it and I am sure you will find some answers. I know I did when I had a similar problem But I fixed it with my host.

/Damn, ninjaed by the scot..:P
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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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I did, and it said that is controlled in htaccess, i added code there for that , and pages crashed.

Here in php.ini
upload_max_filesize = 10M
post_max_size = 10M

In htaccess
php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
php_value post_max_size 10M
php_value memory_limit 16M

I didn't add these as they were other options

memory_limit = 16M
ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');

how would i use correct placement without page crashing
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Homdax 10
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Yeah, well the memory limit is probably to low. You need to sort out with your host what is allowed and if they can up it.
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I am also having trouble with this. I have changed the maximum size upload to 30000 and the PHP info reports Files upload (max file size) to be "yes ( 64MB )"

The file i am trying to upload is 15mb in size but after about 2 minutes the page comes up with you dont have access to administration/downloads.php plus a 403 error to go with it

Help Please

:| :| :| :|

also, would anybody be able to explain my .htaccess file if i were to post it here
Edited by Supermillhouse on 28-07-2012 14:40,
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Unprecedented Times call for Unprecedented Measures
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