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[Tutorial] Speed Up Adsense Page Loading

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NetriX 10
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As a webmaster of many years I understand fully that using advertisement such as google adsense can actually slow down websites with an additional couple of seconds in loading time.

To a lot of users this is a big deal and can actually harm your search ratings.

With this simple trick you can ensure that all other content within your website will load first and fetch the advertisement last effectively speeding up your websites loading time.

This will also work with other advertisements, but as an example we'll use Google Adsense.

Alright, as I'm using my own advertisement code at the moment you'll need to edit to meet your parameters.


In Admin Panel ->System Admin -> Panels

Create a new panel and have it display where you want it "LEFT, UPPER, LOWER, RIGHT", it does not matter.

Panel Name
- Set to anything

Panel Content:

echo '<div id="fusion_ad"></div>';

add_to_footer('<div id="fusion_ad_footer" class="clear" style="display: none; padding-bottom: 10px;"><script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7277300469198625";
/* 300x250, created 11/18/09 */
google_ad_slot = "8794678125";
google_ad_width = 296;
google_ad_height = 250;
<script type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript">
         window.onload = function() {
            document.getElementById(\'fusion_ad_footer\').style.display = \'\';

You'll need to change the following, or remove it entirely and add your own source.

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7277300469198625";
/* 300x250, created 11/18/09 */
google_ad_slot = "8794678125";
google_ad_width = 296;
google_ad_height = 250;
<script type="text/javascript"

You must be using PHPFusion 7.02 + in order for the add_to_footer function to work as it doesn't for earlier versions.

Save the panel and enable.

Your advertisement should load last on the web page after all other content is loaded.

A live working example can be found here.
Edited by NetriX on 13-10-2012 23:33,
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Thank you. Helpful..
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Good solution.
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Ankur 10
Hi! Its me, Ankur Thakur! smile
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Thats a nice solution David... :)

I always feel irritating when this adsense use to keep loading the page of my website and it looks bad when the loading bar keep loading...

This does the trick... ;)
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NetriX 10
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Ankur wrote:

Thats a nice solution David... :)

I always feel irritating when this adsense use to keep loading the page of my website and it looks bad when the loading bar keep loading...

This does the trick... ;)

The name's Brandon, but thanks for the feedback and glad it helped. B)
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Ankur 10
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