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Addon Author(s) will you please.. ?

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Hi folks.

I've earliere mentioned the following - but it seems like nothing happened ?

I've seen more users asking for replacing their Addon in the Addon DB - without submitting it again. I've for long time ago submitted this one: http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/infusions...don_id=458 to the Addon DB. This "new" version uses only one single query - and that's what I wrote in the changelog too. But this new version just never got added right to the Addon DB..

The text description and all is from the new one - but the files just never got replaced..

I've wrote about this earliere too - but just got the answer "Then you have to re-submit it again". Im not interesting in re-submit it and loose all the numbers of downloads - I mean it's not my foult that an Addon Author admin must have done something wrong.

If you, this time, please will correct it I would be glad.

It's only one single file - menu.php that should be replaced. The content of the file comes here (If attachments was allowed I would just attach the file it self):
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2012 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Name: menu.php
| Author : Smokeman
| Email: smokeman@esenet.dk
| Web: http://www.phpfusion-tips.dk/
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
include INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/infusion_db.php";

add_to_head("<script src='".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/includes/js/stuHover.js' type='text/javascript'></script>");

echo "
<div class='preload1'></div>
<div class='preload2'></div>
<div class='preload3'></div>
<div class='preload4'></div>

// Read the menus
$m = array();
$msql = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_MENUS." ORDER BY menu_order");
while ($mdata = dbarray($msql))
  $m[] = $mdata;

// Parse links and names
foreach ($m as &$mdata)
  if (!preg_match("!^(ht|f)tp(s)?://!i", $mdata['menu_link']))
    $mdata['menu_link'] = BASEDIR.$mdata['menu_link'];
  $mdata['menu_name'] = parseubb($mdata['menu_name'], "b|i|u|img|color");

// Make the menu

//  ============================== Get Data From Menu Settings ============================== //
$menusettings = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_MENU_SETTINGS));

//  ============================== Adjusting The Width ============================== //
$width1 = $menusettings['mset_width'] - 10;
$width2 = $menusettings['mset_width'] - 2;

if ($menusettings['mset_set_style'] == "0") {
//  ============================== Load Pre-Installed Templates CSS ============================== //
add_to_head("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/templates/".$menusettings['mset_templates']."/".$menusettings['mset_templates'].".css' />");
} else {
//  ============================== Load User Defined Template CSS ============================== //
add_to_head("<style type='text/css'>
/* ================================================================
This copyright notice must be kept untouched in the stylesheet at
all times.

The original version of this stylesheet and the associated (x)html
is available at http://www.stunicholls.com/ (...)
Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Stu Nicholls. All rights reserved.
This stylesheet and the associated (x)html may be modified in any
way to fit your requirements.

Very highly modified by Smokeman
so it fits for the DeLuxe Dropdown Menu v1.1
=================================================================== */

/* ---------- Preload Hover Images ---------- */
.preload1 {background: url(".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_main_img'].");}
.preload2 {background: url(".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_main_arrow_himg'].");}

/* ---------- Hide The Next level ---------- */
#nav ul,
#nav li:hover ul ul,
#nav li:hover li:hover ul ul,
#nav li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul,
#nav li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover ul ul
{position:absolute; left:-9999px; top:-9999px; width:0; height:0; margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none;}

/* ---------- All Link Colors ---------- */
#nav li a
{color: black;}

/* ---------- Position Of The Dropdown's ---------- */
#nav li:hover {position:relative; z-index:200;}

/* ---------- Main Menu ---------- */
#nav {padding:0; margin:0; list-style:none; height:35px; background: url('".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_main_img']."') repeat-x; background-color: #".$menusettings['mset_main_bgcolor']."; position:relative; z-index:500; font-family:".$menusettings['mset_textfont'].";}
#nav li.top {display:block; float:left; height:35px;}
#nav li a.top_link {float:left; display:block; height:35px; line-height:33px; color:#CCC; text-decoration: none; font-size:".$menusettings['mset_textsize']."px; font-weight:bold; padding:0 0 0 12px; cursor:pointer;}
#nav li div {float:left; display:block; margin-left:12px; padding-right:24px; height:35px; background: url('".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_main_img']."') right top no-repeat;}
#nav li div.down {float:left; display:block; margin-left:12px; padding-right:24px; height:35px; background: url('".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_main_arrow_img']."') right top no-repeat; background-color: #".$menusettings['mset_main_bgcolor_arrow'].";}
#nav li.top:hover{color:#".$menusettings['mset_htextcolor_main']."; background: url('".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_main_himg']."') no-repeat;}
#nav li:hover a.top_link {color:#".$menusettings['mset_htextcolor_main'].";}
#nav li:hover div {background: url('".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_main_himg']."') right top no-repeat; background-color: #".$menusettings['mset_main_hbgcolor'].";}
#nav li:hover div.down {background: url('".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_main_arrow_himg']."') right top no-repeat; background-color: #".$menusettings['mset_main_hbgcolor_arrow'].";}

/* ---------- Sub Menu 1 ---------- */
#nav li ul li a:hover
{color: #".$menusettings['mset_htextcolor_sub1'].";}
#nav li:hover ul
{left:".$menusettings['mset_width']."px; top:-4px; background: #".$menusettings['mset_sub1_bgcolor']."; padding:3px; border:1px solid #".$menusettings['mset_bordercol_sub1']."; white-space:nowrap; width:".$menusettings['mset_width']."px; z-index:400; height:auto;}
#nav li:hover ul.sub
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#nav li:hover ul.sub li
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#nav li:hover li a.fly:hover

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#nav li:hover li:hover li a.fly:hover

/* ---------- Sub Menu 3 ---------- */
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{background:#fff url(".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_sub_arrow_himg'].") ".$width1."px 6px no-repeat;}
#nav li:hover li:hover li:hover a.fly
{background:#".$menusettings['mset_sub2_hbgcolor']." url(".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_sub_arrow_himg'].") ".$width1."px 6px no-repeat; border-color:#".$menusettings['mset_hbordercol_sub2'].";}
#nav li:hover li:hover li:hover li a
#nav li:hover li:hover li:hover li a:hover
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#nav li:hover li:hover li:hover li a.fly
{background:#".$menusettings['mset_sub3_bgcolor']." url(".INFUSIONS."deluxe_dropdown_menu/images/".$menusettings['mset_sub_arrow_img'].") ".$width1."px 6px no-repeat; border-color:#".$menusettings['mset_sub3_bgcolor'].";}
#nav li:hover li:hover li:hover li a.fly:hover

function menucount(&$m, $id)
  $n = 0;
  foreach($m as $mdata)
    if ($mdata['menu_cat'] == $id) $n++;

  return $n;
function menuitem(&$m, $id = 0, $level = 0)
  if (menucount($m, $id) > 0)
    // Set ul class/id
    $ul_class = '';
    if ($level == 0) $ul_class = " id='nav'";
    if ($level == 1) $ul_class = " class='sub'";
    echo "<ul".$ul_class.">";

    foreach($m as $mdata)
      if ($mdata['menu_cat'] == $id && checkgroup($mdata['menu_access']))
        $link_target = ($mdata['menu_window'] == "1" ? " target='_blank'" : "");

        if ($level == 0 && menucount($m, $mdata['menu_id']) > 0)
          $div_start = "<div class='down'>";
          $div_end = "</div>";
        else if ($level == 0)
          $div_start = "<div>";
          $div_end = "</div>";
          $div_start = "";
          $div_end = "";

        if ($level == 0)
          $link_class = " class='top_link'";
        else if (menucount($m, $mdata['menu_id']) > 0)
          $link_class = " class='fly'";
          $link_class = "";

        if ($level == 0)
          $li_class = " class='top'";
          $li_class = "";

        if ($mdata['menu_name'] !== "---" && $mdata['menu_link'] == "---") {
          echo "<li".$li_class.">".$div_start."<b>".$mdata['menu_name']."</b>".$div_end."\n";
        } else if ($mdata['menu_name'] == "---" && $mdata['menu_link'] == "---") {
          echo "<li".$li_class.">".$div_start."<hr />".$div_end."\n";
        } else {
          echo "<li".$li_class.">".$div_start."<a href='".$mdata['menu_link']."'".$link_target."".$link_class.">".$mdata['menu_name']."</a>".$div_end."\n";
        menuitem($m, $mdata['menu_id'], $level + 1);
        echo "</li>\n";
    echo "</ul>\n";

Replace destination in the package:

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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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Hi smokeman,

Unfortunately we can not replace files in peoples addons this is each individual Addons Author/developers responsibility. This is to avoid confusion with version management. All addon authors are responsible for updating and submitting their own work this must be done in a new submission. The old submission will then if requested be removed.
Please feel free to submit your addon to the DB again.

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Hi Craig.

I must find that post then - where I seen an other asking for this..

I think it's crazy to submit again - and then have exactly the same version number - and loose all the number of downloads too.

When I submitted this version I much later see that this single file not was submitted - it was from the older version.

But I will find that post then. :)

Latest: Ok I can't find that post.. - nevermind I'll just re-submit then. :G

One question: Can I get the text/description incl. text-format/bbcodes ? I mean so I don't have to format it all again in the description ? If you edit the Adddon I htink you can copt it for me ?
Edited by smokeman on 08-12-2012 13:30,
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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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When you change things in your addons do you not change version numbers?
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Look up m8 - I added some in my post. ;)

Hmm, if the version number change it would be more "crazy" IMO. If that's the deal then I wont resubmit it. I can't have one version here on the site - and exactly the same Addon on my own site (and others) with a other version number.
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Craig 14
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smokeman wrote:

Latest: Ok I can't find that post.. - nevermind I'll just re-submit then. :G

One question: Can I get the text/description incl. text-format/bbcodes ? I mean so I don't have to format it all again in the description ? If you edit the Adddon I htink you can copt it for me ?

I think you can use BB Codes, not sure never bothered about it before.

I can not edit peoples addons, that is the authors responsibility.
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Ok can you delete this addon then ?

Now it says that it use one single query - and that's a lie. I will not stand out as a liar friend. Then it's best to remove it. :G

Would you have a download in the addon db where you telling one thing - and when peeps DL it it's another thing ?
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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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No need to remove it yet, submit the new version and then the old one will be removed.
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If I submit a new version it will have the version number 1.3 - and all the others site it's for download in version 1.2

- and it's the exact same download/addon..

Don't you get me m8 ?

Why have a new version if it's not a new version ?

In version 1.2 incl. here on this site I wrote in the changelog:
v1.2 now only use one single query.

If you wont delete it I will write to an other admin inhere asking deleteing it.
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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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Your going to submit the new/correct files yes?
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No just delete my addon, thx.
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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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You will give yourself grey hair smokey. lol

Your causing yourself stress man. Go smoke, relax, submit the fixed one, job done, all good. ;)
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Still no.

I don't think you get me right.. I wrote that v1.2 use one single query - but it's just not the case for the Addon here on this site. Why submit it as v1.3 then ?

Wont you understand me, or ?

Nevermind I write a PM to another Admin. :G
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Craig 14
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Do you want me to remove the line in the description where it says it uses one query?


- V1.2 - SQL-Optimization by Flemming (flj) - the menu now use only one single SQL-Query
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No because then it's v1.1 - the eaeliere version..

I think @Assensvej (which approved this Addon) must have swapped the file menu.php from v1.2 with menu.php from v1.1 when he tested & Approved the Addon..

I don't see why I shopuld "pay" for this..

Im 112% sure that I submitted the Addon - it was with the new file menu.php

- all other files is OK and from v1.2 - even the readme-file & locale-files and everything.

Nevermind I have allready wrote to an other Admin now regarding this.
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Craig 14
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smokeman wrote:

I think @Assensvej (which approved this Addon) must have swapped the file menu.php from v1.2 with menu.php from v1.1 when he tested & Approved the Addon..

I don't see why I shopuld "pay" for this..

Im 112% sure that I submitted the Addon - it was with the new file menu.php

That is quite a serious allegation to make are you sure?

I do not see why assensvej would swap a file around?

Why would he?
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1. You said earliere in this post you can't edit my description in the download - but now you say you can delete this line:


- V1.2 - SQL-Optimization by Flemming (flj) - the menu now use only one single SQL-Query
- then you can actually edit it, right ?

2. Regarding:


That is quite a serious allegation to make are you sure?

I do not see why assensvej would swap a file around?

Why would he?

- maybe because he had the earliere version on his site/server - and with a mistake when testing the new version the file menu.php was being swapped around ? I am not accusing anyone of anything. I have nothing against Assensvej - it's just the only thing I can see that maybe causing this. I mean he's the person that Approved this. Like I write Im 112% sure that when I submitted v1.2 then all files was as they should be.
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Craig 14
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smokeman wrote:

1. You said earliere in this post you can't edit my description in the download - but now you say you can delete this line:


- V1.2 - SQL-Optimization by Flemming (flj) - the menu now use only one single SQL-Query
- then you can actually edit it, right ?

I can not edit peoples addons, that is the authors responsibility. Descriptions is a different matter. ;)


smokeman wrote:
2. Regarding:


That is quite a serious allegation to make are you sure?

I do not see why assensvej would swap a file around?

Why would he?

- maybe because he had the earliere version on his site/server - and with a mistake when testing the new version the file menu.php was being swapped around ? I am not accusing anyone of anything. I have nothing agains Assensvej - it's just the only thing I can see that maybe causing this. I mean he's the person that Approved this. Like I write Im 112% sure that when I submitted v1.2 then all files was as they should be.

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Addon now Deleted from the addon DB - Addon submitted again. ;)

... with the same version nr. :G
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