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PHP & PayPal

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Hello All,

Ultra-newbie and PHP extra-virgin here, with a grovelling apology if this is the wrong bit of the forum. :|

I'm building my new site in Dreamweaver, but I have a 'test' site up on Yola. The site is a pay-to-enter 'museum' and I'd like it to work like this...

Punter clicks on PayPal button, goes to Paypal and pays (a paltry sum).

Punter is taken to my 'Lobby' page from which he/she can access all the site's pages.

After a set time (say, 24 hours), the punter loses access to the site.

So here's what I'd like to have PHP do...

Paypal tells the site of the purchase.

I get a notification with the punter's info (e.g. who, where, when + mail address).

PHP uses the Paypal info to send a 'thanks for calling' e-mail.

Punter is taken to the Lobby page

He/she can swill about in the site but the timer's running, and blocks access after 24 hours.

This will become clear after a look at the test site. It's at www.dead-interesting.co.uk

To get past the PayPal page for a look around, fill in the username value as 'admit' and the password as 'one'...(no quotes).

Think 'Sideshow' :o:D

Just as an aside, I'm not a developer and so respond to the K.I.S.S. principle. I don't even know where PHP scripts go.

Be gentle with me :D
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Gillette 10
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This is PHPFusion CMS
1) Are you planning on using PF as a site to charge people to view your content?
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Gillette wrote:

This is PHPFusion CMS
1) Are you planning on using PF as a site to charge people to view your content?

If CMS = Content Management System and PF = Packet Filter, the answer is probably yes. Rather than saddle users with ads, I plan to ask for a small payment. Is this wrong in some way?
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Gillette 10
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Hello,and welcome to PF.

You may want to read into http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/license/i.../index.php for correct license / or contact http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/profile.p...lookup=289

The site your looking to open would be considered a commercial site

I hope I helped you somewhat in your adventure

PF- (short for-- PHPFusion, content management system)
Edited by Gillette on 17-08-2013 02:35,
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Thank you, Gillette,

I've bookmarked the links you sent and will check their content out fully before I publish.

It's been an adventure even at this stage- you don't get to take the kind of images I have every day!

Thanks again, davhill
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Gillette 10
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Your very welcome,I would prefer you take the right steps using our cms,and license with correct way prior to finding yourself in some situation witch could loose you as a member.

why? It's great to see your entrepreneurial idealism,and thats always welcome,we infact encourage it ,in this case a read on the license may encourage you to develop a very good community based relationship with us here.

thanks again for understanding the thread you started ,and again thanks for being apart of this wonderful community and using / testing PF as a starting point.

warm regards on behalf of PHPFusion - PF
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Falk 146
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Welcome to PHPFusion,

There have been a common misconception that all commercial related sites need to use one or more of our license options in order to be valid, most often people have thought and also at some cases been instructed that a CCL is required for this ( Commercial core license ).

That information is simply not quite true.

We are currently working on a new FaQ and a simplified explanation text to this, we hope it will shed some light over how it works.

You do not need a commercial license from us for any commercial solution that is not connected to PHPFusion.

If you however develop and profit from PHPFusion related soutions you need a commercial core license for these projects.

A Copyright removal license can be used to exclude your self from the public AGPL agreement you have with PHPFusion´s copyright owner.

People who want unique sites or by other cosmetic reasons do not want to have our copyrights visual can use the Copyright removal license.
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Gillette 10
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Thanks Domi for making more clear this thread.
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Falk 146
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