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Adding Additional Form Fields

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First off, my genuine thanks for this site. I have been able to find a lot of useful information as well as guidance from the membership.

I hope this post is in the right area. If not, please accept my apologies.

My question is this:

Is there an infusion available or perhaps another way that allows an administrator to add custom fields to the submit news form?

I wish to add form fields that will allow the user to submit news with a bit more information than the fields currently allow.

Thank you for your time and assistance.
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Not sure if you've purchased CRL, your site is kind of ironic to the topic..Maybe you or an admin here can confirm this prior to receiving support.
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KasteR wrote:

Not sure if you've purchased CRL, your site is kind of ironic to the topic..Maybe you or an admin here can confirm this prior to receiving support.

I apologize again but what is CRL?

Why is my site ironic to the topic if I may ask.

Is support a paid feature?

Thanks again.

Merged on Jan 13 2014 at 20:39:04:
After further research, I believe I now know what you were saying KasteR.

You couldn't be further from the truth however.

You sure have a strange way of welcoming new members.

Perhaps when an admin becomes involved, he or she wouldn't mind deleting my account here.

Thanks again for your assistance.
Edited by resbensen on 14-01-2014 05:39,
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I'm sure he is mistaken and meant to say CCL, as in Commercial Core License. If you use PHPFusion for Commercial use, which by the looks of it you are, then you must have a CCL in order for legitimacy. (As in, people who run this site and other support sites may not help you because they see lack of licensing as stealing... or something along those lines.) Anyhow, the Licensing page can be found here if you would like more information.

To answer your question directly and specifically, from what I have searched, there is no such infusion for adding additional forms to News submission. It would be an interesting question to pose for version 8 though as I could see its usefulness.

Hope this helps.
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Thank you for taking the time to respond sir.

Where might I read more about CCL.

I assumed that Php-Fusion was free and I do not charge any fees or have income producing advertisements on my site.

I'm simply attempting to build a free resource for others to take advantage of.

If there is a fee associated with my use of Php-Fusion, please let me know and I'll happily pay for the use if the cost is reasonable.

Thank you again for you time.
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Whenever I read licensing information regarding open source software I develop a headache so I tend to avoid it as much as possible. There is a link off to the left called Licensing. I also buried one in my previous response.

As for what is, and what is not required regarding licensing, an admin should be able to direct you accordingly.
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There are no fee´s associated with the use of PHPFusion.
The fee´s only apply to anyone who want to remove our Copyright footer by various reasons.
You can along with the above information also read the FaQ here
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Domi wrote:

There are no fee´s associated with the use of PHPFusion.
The fee´s only apply to anyone who want to remove our Copyright footer by various reasons.
You can along with the above information also read the FaQ here

Sigh...thank you for the clarification Domi. That was so much easier than trying to interpret words only a lawyer should be forced to read.

@resbensen, the copyright footer is intact on your page so you have nothing to worry about. I am still unsure what KasteR was referring to. Maybe he has an issue with the public making claim about illegitimate businesses/web pages... in which case the irony would come full circle. Oh well.

So the question now is, where do we go with getting more form fields so you can accomplish your goal. At this point I would prefer to hard code changes since version 8 is around the corner. If you are keen on taking a dive off the deep end and editing some PHP files, as well as modifying the database, I may be able to direct you accordingly. Otherwise, it may be best to wait for version 8.

Let me know what your comfortable with and we will proceed.

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BrandonBlack-evit wrote:


Domi wrote:

There are no fee´s associated with the use of PHPFusion.
The fee´s only apply to anyone who want to remove our Copyright footer by various reasons.
You can along with the above information also read the FaQ here

Sigh...thank you for the clarification Domi. That was so much easier than trying to interpret words only a lawyer should be forced to read.

@resbensen, the copyright footer is intact on your page so you have nothing to worry about. I am still unsure what KasteR was referring to. Maybe he has an issue with the public making claim about illegitimate businesses/web pages... in which case the irony would come full circle. Oh well.

So the question now is, where do we go with getting more form fields so you can accomplish your goal. At this point I would prefer to hard code changes since version 8 is around the corner. If you are keen on taking a dive off the deep end and editing some PHP files, as well as modifying the database, I may be able to direct you accordingly. Otherwise, it may be best to wait for version 8.

Let me know what your comfortable with and we will proceed.


Thank you Domi and Brandon for clarifying the issue.

Brandon, I can edit PHP files as well as make changes to the DB if you are up for it I am as well.
Thank you kindly for taking your time and steering me in the right direction.
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Let's start with what you are looking to achieve. How many fields do you need? What data do you want these fields to contain? Free entry fields, drop down boxes, ratio buttons with single or multiple selections available? Are you only looking to submit this information through the submit form, admin panel news creation page, or both? Do you want to be able to edit the information after it has been posted?

From my quick glance at how news is submitted and stored, there are a few different files that make use of the news data either during submit, display, or editing. Once we know your intention we can avoid anything that is not necessary, or at the least code what is most important first and leave the remainder to fill in eventually.

Let me know where your thoughts are and we will work on it this evening.

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Thank you very much Brandon for your kind offer of assistance.

The fields needed are as follows and preferably in this order sir.

Business Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Contact Name
Email Address
News Title - (limited to 60 characters)
News Story - (limited to 10,000 characrters)
How did you pay? 3 Radio Buttons - Credit Card, Cash, Check
Image upload field: image, text file or .pdf upload
Have ROC Contact the subject for me: 2 radio buttons, "Yes" or "No"

I realize there are many fields however, I believe I can get the hang of adding them once I understand what is required.

Thank you again Brandon for your assistance.
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Lets use downloads instead of news. Formatting of the data once we have collected it is easy. Since you want a file, download is our best bet. Give me a few hours to get a direction.
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BrandonBlack-evit wrote:

Lets use downloads instead of news. Formatting of the data once we have collected it is easy. Since you want a file, download is our best bet. Give me a few hours to get a direction.

Thank you very much sir.
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Ok this is what I came up with. First thing is first, we need to get a table in the database to hold the content. Hopefully you have access to phpMyAdmin. Also, please know that I did my best to match up database field types with the data being entered. If anyone has any suggestions please make them.

you will need to change YOUR-DATABASE and YOUR-PREFIX to reflect your PHPFusion installation

also, the fields are labeled download_news (except for download_cat). I did this to preserve at least some of the database structure for the download table. When we go in and hack the PHP, it will be easy to match up the code.

Tomorrow we will work on the hardest part, which is the submit. After data is being collected to your liking we will move on to the displaying.

download_news_datestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
download_news_user MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
download_news_business VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_street MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
download_news_city VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_state VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_contact VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_phone VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_web VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_story VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
download_news_how TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
download_news_file VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
download_news_contactYN TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (download_news_id),
KEY download_datestamp (download_news_datestamp)
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Holy smokes! You are really something else. Thank you so very much for your assistance Brandon. I'll work on adding the correct prefix this evening sir.
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resbensen wrote:

Holy smokes! You are really something else. Thank you so very much for your assistance Brandon. I'll work on adding the correct prefix this evening sir.

Let me know where we are at with this.
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Thank you Brandon. May I PM the changed SQL? I am ready to begin sir.

Merged on Jan 21 2014 at 16:53:59:
Thank you Brandon. The sql code worked flawlessly sir.

I'm ready for the next step whenever you are.

Thanks a million for all of your help.
Edited by resbensen on 22-01-2014 01:53,
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resbensen wrote:

Thank you Brandon. May I PM the changed SQL? I am ready to begin sir.

Merged on Jan 21 2014 at 16:53:59:
Thank you Brandon. The sql code worked flawlessly sir.

I'm ready for the next step whenever you are.

Thanks a million for all of your help.

Give me into the weekend to tinker with this. I will post here on Sunday with a clear direction for us to take.
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Absolutely Brandon. I look forward to moving ahead.

Thank you.
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