I have set up a website for my granddaughter that has a lot of photos that my daughter has emailed me from her cell phone to post to the site. She inadvertently deleted the photos from her SD card on her phone. Is it possible to bulk email the photos from the photo gallery so that she can put them back on the SD card, and if so how is it done?
I do not know if emailing them is the solution. Think the only other way for her to get them back is ye ole traditional method of right click on each photo and save to usb.
Jou can also with your FTP Program, and download the photoś to your computer. Go to yourdomain.com/images/photoalbum For every album there is a folder. The filename's with _T are thumbnails.
Both excellent suggestions. What she wants to do however, is put the photos back on her phone, which is why I wanted to do it through email. That way she opens her email from her phone and saves the photo to her phone SD card.
I guess the only way to do it is to download all the photos and then email them a few at a time.