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MySQL entry at registration

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I want to know how I would go about editing the initial registration code to add a portion that will enter a mysql entry on a defined mysql database. I would like it to take the username being registered and search for it on the database's table and enter a single data value (same for every registrant). If there is no username that matches it will create a new entry.

Please help...:)
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The *NOT RECOMMENDED* solution that I've implemented on other sites is editing the _setUserDataInput() class in /includes/classes/UserFieldsInput.class.php

This class is triggered when a user's data is entered in the "new_user" table, after it's been checked during registration. I currently use it to email myself when a new user signs up so I can check and approve their account. I'm sure there's infinite possibilities on what you can do in that class.

Again, this method isn't recommended because you have to modify a core file. I can't think of an elegant way to do it without modifying this class. Maybe someone else has a better idea how to do it.
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Chan 0
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To edit the registration form, the only way is to edit the /includes/classes/UserFieldsInput.class.php

User Fields - see how it have been done.


I wouldn't recommend you to store the user data in another separate table unless really necessary. Why take the long road when maincore.php has to make the query against DB_USERS for authentication and generate a full set of $userdata compulsorily, which is accessible in any file via global $userdata, and extending it will another query load to your server.
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