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Multi polls

Asked Modified Viewed 2,513 times
Great regards Mattish91
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Hello, is there any infusion that allows multiple polls at the same time? i have tried to create more than one poll but thy are just replacing each other. i saw that i could create polls in forum but that's not the same, i would like to have multiple polls in a panel.

Thanks in advance.
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I am looking for this too

Merged on Jun 15 2014 at 14:33:43:
Way back there was an infusion called multi-poll-panel as explained here:


Version 2.01.02
Author: Yxos
Based on the standard poll by Nick Jones (Digitanium)
The Multipoll-panel is a variant of the standard poll from PHPFusion v7; members_poll_panel, with following exceptions:

a) Each poll allows the users to vote, not for one, but for multiple of the given choices.
It uses checkboxes instead of radio buttons.
b) After having cast a vote, each user may see his own vote again.
This is relevant since more than one choice is possible. The user may not remember so easily as if it was only one vote option.
c) New Multipolls may be created by Admins with 'PO' rights, directly via a link in the panel.
No need to enter the infusions in the Administration menu.
d) The admin may choose for the new poll if users are allowed to see other users votes, before AND after the user submits his own vote.
e) The admin may choose for the new poll if users are allowed to regret and delete their already casted vote, so that they may cast a new vote in the same poll.
f) The admin may choose for the new poll if users are allowed to comment to their vote.
The comments will be shown when viewing All Votes or viewing the Archived polls.
g) No modification or deletion of existing polls is allowed. Why would you?
h) No end-date may be specified for a new poll. The end date for at poll is only set when a new poll is created, and thereby automatically terminates the previous poll.

- which according to danish forum in
- at that time could be downloaded from
- however the http://www.phpfusion-mods.com website seem not to be functioning?

Can anybody find this MOD?

BTW Yxos commented on it in:
Edited by Makronen on 15-06-2014 14:38,
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— 10 months later —
faga 10
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This site doesn't exist anymore. It was a v6 infusion ?
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faga 10
I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” - Bill Gates
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Great regards Mattish91
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