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SEO-Fusion not working on mywebsite but...

Asked Modified Viewed 1,226 times
alpe 10
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Hi everybody!

I have "infuse" (step by step like it is explain in the readme file) the SEO-Fusion add on on my NEW website, www.ilcazzeggio.com, but the result is this:

http://www.ilcazzeggio.com/news.php?r...readmore=2 >>>>> become >>>>>> http://www.ilcazzeggio.com/News-2-.html.

In other words: the url NOT becomes a SEO Url!!!

For a checking i have infused this add on in another PHP Fusion's system, www.lescommessesportive.it, WHIT THE SAME METHOD, and on it SEO-Fusion work without problem!!!

I'm very confused.... :|

Can you help me? What kind of information you need for help me?

PHPFusion is the V7.02.7.

Sorry for my english.
Edited by alpe on 24-07-2014 14:33,
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Falk 146
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Hello there, the first thing you need to do is respect our Copyrights on both your sites,


Read more about licenses and how to legally remove copyright notices here in the license section

Send me a message when you have taken the proper measures ( either purchase a CRL or put the Copyright back), until then this thread stays locked.

Edit : CR issue resolved, thread unlocked.
Edited by N/A on 24-07-2014 15:16,
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Chan 0
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This Infusion will Change almost all URLs of your website into Descriptive SEO URLs.

# #
# #


1. Upload Files :
* Upload the folder 'seo_friendly_urls_panel' to the 'infusions' folder of your Web Server.
* Upload '.htaccess' file to the root directory.

2. Login into Website and goto Admin Panel --> System Admin --> Infusions and Infuse the 'SEO URLs for PHPFusion' Infusion.

3. Add the Panel 'seo_friendly_urls_panel' as Left/Right Panel on your website an Enable it. If adding as a Center Panel, then check 'Display on All Pages'.

4. Modify 'maincore.php' :

Look For :
define("TRUE_PHP_SELF", $current_page);

Now, if you are going to have URLs as HTML URLS (http://mysite.com/news.html), then Replace this Line with :

if (preg_match("/\/(administration)\//", $current_page)) {
define("TRUE_PHP_SELF", $current_page);
else if (preg_match("/".preg_replace("/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\.php|\.html)?/", "$1", $settings['opening_page'])."/", preg_replace("/\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\.php|\.html)?/", "$1", $current_page))) {
define("TRUE_PHP_SELF", preg_replace("/\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\.php|\.html)?/", "/$1.html", $current_page));
else {
define("TRUE_PHP_SELF", $current_page);


Now, if you are going to have URLs as Plain URLS (http://mysite.com/news), then Replace this Line with :

if (preg_match("/\/(administration)\//", $current_page)) {
define("TRUE_PHP_SELF", $current_page);
else if (preg_match("/".preg_replace("/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\.php|\.html)?/", "$1", $settings['opening_page'])."/", preg_replace("/\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\.php|\.html)?/", "$1", $current_page))) {
define("TRUE_PHP_SELF", preg_replace("/\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\.php|\.html)?/", "/$1", $current_page));
else {
define("TRUE_PHP_SELF", $current_page);

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alpe 10
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Hi hien.

I used the "plain URLs' code" but the result is error 404 (Not Found The requested URL /news was not found on this server.)...

I also tryed to use original maincore.php file (i not replace define("TRUE_PHP_SELF", $current_page); with the new code) but the result is the same: I think that the problem is something about this file.


Merged on Jul 25 2014 at 09:37:18:
Finally I found this error!!!

How I fix it?

Edited by alpe on 25-07-2014 09:37,
alpe attached the following file:
error.jpg [No information available / 39 Downloads]
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Falk 146
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Chan 0
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