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User Info Panel

Asked Modified Viewed 3,119 times
Chan 0
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Super Admin

One of the most important panels of all time. The User Info Panel.

Current settings includes..
a. User Profile Link,
b. Edit Profile,
c. Members
d. Logout.
e. PM Messages

Any suggestion to improvise or rewrite this.
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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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A Center Option
An Option for using it in Banners
An option for different Styles (Standdard Side, Upper or Lower Center Style, Banners Style for header)
An option to use a Jquery sliding down one, or a box overlay modal.

Unactivated Members For Admins if admin aproval on registration is activated...

$count_new = dbcount("(user_id)", DB_USERS, "user_status='2'");

if (iADMIN && checkrights("M") && $settings['admin_activation'] == "1" && $count_new > 0) {
   echo "         <br />\n".THEME_BULLET." <strong><a href='".ADMIN."members.php".$aidlink."&amp;status=2' class='side'>".$locale['global_015']."</a>\n";
   echo "         :</strong> ".dbcount("(user_id)", DB_USERS, "user_status='2'")."\n";
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Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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Super Admin


A Center Option
An Option for using it in Banners
An option for different Styles (Standdard Side, Upper or Lower Center Style, Banners Style for header)
An option to use a Jquery sliding down one, or a box overlay modal.

Can be done. Lets not talk about Theme Engine. First - turn User Info into infusion instead of a panel. That gives it able to receive settings. In its echo out, use a regex to find where it is being loaded.

$Mode = (preg_match('#<div id='user-info-panel'>#', LEFT) ||  preg_match('#<div id='user-info-panel'>#', RIGHT))  ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
// something like that... can scan via position.

if ($mode == 'vertical') {
echo "<ul><li>...</li><li>...</li></ul>\n";
} elseif ($mode == 'horizontal') {
echo "<nav class='navbar-default nav-horizontal'><ul>...<li></li>...</ul>";

That perhaps will set it straight for 7.

But ---,

My experience with Nav is that it has minimal spaces to dump all necessary for horiziontal.. like Main site is, especially if we are to bloat up items count for UIP. Horizontal UIP is the least of my preference to go with even. I don't know what people will think, just my opinion here.

To me,.. UIP is more like a personalized navigational panel. Not only Admin, but users also must be able to be notified of many things - to which the design must always target link to send Admin to the relevant page - just like message did.

Analyzing, Facebook's User Info Panel - it has groups (aka pages), sub list groups page which the user joined. It also has infusions (apps), which sub lists all infusions added. See how it adds up in Facebook. (pic attached)

I'm still thinking of what else is missing on that we can increment in UIP. And yeah, every single module needs to receive an icon. News, Articles, Groups, etc. Luckily, we can have it Glyphicon'ed in 2014 as well.. so that's a need to add.

Brainstorm session is on. Everyone can join..yeah, coz this is just a Chill out.
Chan attached the following file:
old_facebook_chat_box.png [No information available / 62 Downloads]
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Craig 14
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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Mine from my [jQuery Login Model Panel].

Screenshot below is Members view of that panel.

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Craig 14
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Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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