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Check Admin has a right for a section admin

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Craig 14
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   echo"<li><a href='index.php".$aidlink."&amp;pagenum=1'> Content </a></li>
                                <li><a href='index.php".$aidlink."&amp;pagenum=2'>Users </a></li>
                                <li><a href='index.php".$aidlink."&amp;pagenum=3'>System </a></li>
                                <li><a href='index.php".$aidlink."&amp;pagenum=4'>Settings </a></li>
                                <li><a href='index.php".$aidlink."&amp;pagenum=5'>Infusions </a></li>";

Ok so that is the pages in admin.

How do I check the admin has at least an access right for something on that page?

So if an admin does not have any rights on one of those pages the link should not display.

It's no easy I now how to check rights for individual pages but that is not reasonable for this.

I mean I can not keep doing this...

checkrights("bleh") || checkrights("blah ") || checkrights("SOP") || checkrights("TG")

There must be another way?

Edited by Craig on 29-08-2014 23:43,
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faga 10
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So, from what I am understanding you want to display one of the links only if the admin has the rights ?

 if (checkrights("M")) { 
echo "<li>Bla bla bla</li>";

if (iADMIN && checkrights("C")) {
echo "<li>Bla bla bla</li>";
Edited by faga on 30-08-2014 03:45,
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Chan 0
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No, there's no registration of rights in any of the db. it's serversided file. so you gotta remember the "blah,bleh.. " abbreviation.

Open up all the files you're interested, and check their rights. :)
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Craig 14
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I know how to use user checkrights lol

Like I said in post #1 so if we want to create links to sections of the admin do i need to do this for every access right for everything in that section?

So you guys are saying this is my only option?

That is ridiculous, so you's think this is reasonable?

You saying I must do that for every page in each admin section?

 if (checkrights("A")  || (checkrights("AC") || (checkrights("CP") || (checkrights("D") || (checkrights("DC") || (checkrights("FQ") || (checkrights("F") || (checkrights("IM") ||  (checkrights("N") || (checkrights("NC") || (checkrights("PO") || (checkrights("W") || (checkrights("WC") || (checkrights("PH") || ) { 
   echo"<li><a href='index.php".$aidlink."&amp;pagenum=1'> Content </a></li>";
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Falk 146
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Well change approach to array if you want to cut it short and make it look better.
Naturally you need to define what rights goes to a specific area.
Something like
$admin_rights = explode('.', $settings['admin_rights']);
if (in_array('.R1.R2.R3.ETC', $admin_rights)) {
Edited by N/A on 30-08-2014 12:48,
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Chan 0
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function render_admin_tabs() {
            global $userdata;

            $array = array(
                '1' => 'Page 1',
                '2' => 'Page 2',
                '3' => 'Page 3',
                '4' => 'Page 4',
                '5' => 'Page 5'
            /* Many to 1 checker */
            function tab_rights($page) {
                global $userdata;
                $user_rights = explode('.', $userdata['user_rights']);
                $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_ADMIN." WHERE admin_page='$page' ORDER BY admin_rights ASC");
                if (dbrows($result)>0) {
                    while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
                        if (in_array($data['admin_rights'], $user_rights)) {
                            return true;
return false; // edit - added this to return 0 if by end of the loop, no rights matched.
                } else {
                    return false;

            // now loop it.
            foreach($array as $page_num => $page_name) {
                if (tab_rights($page_num)) {
                    echo "<li ><a href='index.php".$aidlink."&amp;pagenum=$page_num'>$page_name</a></li>\n";

echo render_admin_tabs();

In your page... say where Get (?pagenum=1) and if you want to check access.. use this function.

function tab_rights($page) {
                global $userdata;
                $user_rights = explode('.', $userdata['user_rights']);
                $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_ADMIN." WHERE admin_page='$page' ORDER BY admin_rights ASC");
                if (dbrows($result)>0) {
                    while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
                        if (in_array($data['admin_rights'], $user_rights)) {
                            return true;
                } else {
                    return false;

$_GET['sanitized_pagenum'] = isset($_GET['pagenum']) && isnum($_GET['pagenum'])) ? $_GET['pagenum'] : 0;
if (!tab_rights($_GET['sanitized_pagenum'])) { // hacker found. }

Edited by Chan on 30-08-2014 12:50,
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Craig 14
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Thanks hien that is exactly my question answered. You done brilliant that is exactly what I was talking about.

Thanks man for taking time to code the function for me kudos and credit will be given in the final release.

1000000+ Awarded to hien
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Falk 146
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