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ATOM-X Admin CP bug [fixed]

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I found that the control panel template has a bug.

To fix it, I did a number of code tweaks, from adjusting counter variables to moving around closing divs. (and adding one into the mix coz it was kinda messed up)

So the fixed file is attached. This gives proper titles for admin panel, leaves infusions as a sidebar section, but it doesn't repeat the infusions heading in the settings panel as the counter variable was wrong.

Find the file attached with the fix.

the filepath is themes/Atom-X/tpl/admin.tpl.php

It is perfectly safe to replace your downloaded theme file with this one as this only contains a fix and no additional code.
Edited by Elvenelf on 11-09-2014 21:30,
Elvenelf attached the following file:
admincptplphp.zip [No information available / 299 Downloads]
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