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PHPFusion 7.03.00 Announcement

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Falk 146
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Hello everyone!

It may seem that not much have been going on since the latest site updates.
With this announcement I want you to know that we have decided to release a Major version between PHPFusion 7 and PHPFusion 8.

The master on Github have received over 140 updates provided by our fine Developers that helps us to improve PHPFusion.

We have taken the base of these patches and build the next version of PHPFusion on that.
In the changelog below you will see that we have added quite a few missing key features that we want to have in both PHPFusion 7 and PHPFusion 8.

The RC 1 of this will be distributed to our Developers in the coming days ahead.

Meanwhile I am pleased to show you the changelog we have for this version,

Introducing SEO - A fully integrated comprehensive SEO engine for PHPFusion with it´s Administration.
Introducing Multilingual Features - PHPFusion have from this day forth a full core support for Multilingual content together with several relevant API´s that have been developed for smooth and easy implementations for your Infusions and for it´s settings.
Multilingual support have been implemented in all native Infusions.
Introducing PDO Functions - PHPFusion can now run with full PDO support.
PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer, which means that, regardless of which database you're using, you use the same functions to issue queries and fetch data.
PDO does not provide a database abstraction; it doesn't rewrite SQL or emulate missing features.
The PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension defines a light-weight, consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP.
Each database driver that implements the PDO interface can expose database-specific features as regular extension functions.
Introducing Tokens - We now inject Tokens to forms in order to prevent both bots and hacking attempts.
Introducing the Fusion Defender - More info later.
Introducing the Fusion Dynamics - More info later.
Introducing a new Default and responsive Theme we ship with the pack - Septenary Theme.
Administration - New Layout , New images.
Introducing customized error messages with the help of error.php and .htaccess - We use localized text and images for the error reporting of the following HTTP errors,
ErrorDocument 400, ErrorDocument 401, ErrorDocument 403, ErrorDocument 404, ErrorDocument 500
The .htaccess might need full paths such as /home/error.php?404 or even domain http://www.yourdomain.com/error.php?404 for the reporting to work.
Introducing Email templates - You can now have customized emails sent for Contact, Notification PM , Notification threads.
Added locale files for errors in all admin pages.
Removed all html hardcoded forms, the entire system have been replaced with Fusion Dynamics.
Added Bootstrap enabled Admin and we now distribute Bootstrap with Core.
Added a default.css
Added a standard mobile menu
Improved Panel Administration, We wanted to make it more interesting - Panel Admin is now more visual.
Two new panel positions have been made available, AU_CENTER ( Above upper center ) and BL_CENTER (Below Lower Center).
The idea is to enable two extra panel positions that have full theme width like subheader and footer while these positions can be populated with panel content like any other panel position via the Panel Administration.
Panels can also be enabled for only a few selected languages or all enabled languages.
Added new login methods, you can select between username and email or both. (Administration > Settings > Misc)
Forum have some new content indicator icons added, hot, attach, image_attach, poll
Updated phpmailer class from 5.2.6 to 5.2.8
Upgraded TinyMCE editor update to 3.4.6
Added a MIME file type check setting toggler can be found in Misc settings.
Added a option to add forum category description
Added a option to show last user post avatar in forum
Added a themes/templates/global.css which will contain css rules that will help keeping compat. with older themes.
Added a forum index was reformatted to be a bit more semantic and added more css classes ( what classes ? )
jscript.js has been beautified in order to facilitate further modifications
Removed readarticle.php
Replaced many & with &
Removed hidden text from search results
Fixed a bug in cleanup process after a user is deleted
Fixed IP Ban range issues in IP_handling_include.php
Changed user signature from TEXT to VARCHAR(500)
search.php have been updated
jQuery version have been updated
jQuery Colorbox version have been updated
Updated colorbox.css
Fixed an issue in setup.php
Fixed a problem with index.php as starting page if the opening page are empty.
Fixed : Deprecated: preg_replace() in url_bbcode_include.php
Updated db_backup.php
ICQ bbcode tweaked
Avatar resize bug Fixed
Fixed a bug with show/hide signature
Fixed a unset error in maincore.php
Completely removed "correctPNG()" function in jscript.php
Fixed a panel restriction bug
Scrapped the MSN user field
Added an Alert before deleting comment
HTML typos have been corrected in blacklist, errors, articles, login and news.
Optimized images using Smush.it
Extended Quote BBcode
Extended Quote optimizations
Added Threads per page, Posts per page in Administration > Settings > Items per page
Removed tbl2 from maintenance.php
Added html_entity_decode() to the short description box in downloads.php
Fixed a potentional url issue in viewthread.php
forum_threads_panel now follows the Threads per page setting as limit
Edited by N/A on 10-09-2014 12:00,
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Craig 14
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:GA nice BIG present. :G

:Y Fusion 4 Ever :G
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faga 10
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Amazing! :Y
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JoiNNN 10
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Nice to see you guys gave this some thought and accepted a new release before 8.
I see lots of stuff that are supposed to be added to the next release but no codes?
However while there are allot of improvements done there are still lots of stuff to be fixed. I personally stopped developing 7 since the Github pull requests didn't passed anymore and also not many contributed to it.
Please use Github repo at least for .03, don't fragment development further. Then you can go with PFDN for 8 after.
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Sounds good.
Is there a screen of the new responsive theme?
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Chan 0
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Good news more, I've just uploaded to development server the first Alpha 7.3 today.

I do second agree on Dan's comment on using Github as well. PFDN's too raw to carry out real work atm. Reason is I need to look into 7.3 as well more than PFDN's progress atm.

That apart, we'll be installing Wiki Infusion (was coded for 8) into Main soon as documentation will be readied by the time 7.3 goes into release. So, whatever done will be documented and I hope to be a collaborative effort on this one as well when the time comes.
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Falk 146
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Yes that sounds reasonable JoiNNN, Hien.
I will wipe the current Master and add this RC when we have completed the final tasks , give it a few days or so.
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Rizado 10
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UTF-8 supports?
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Is version 7.03.00 available for download and if so where can I find it?
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Rizado 10
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https://github.com/php-fusion/Latest-7 - repository is empty :(
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Craig 14
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Hien, Domi, you's should of said nothing until the Repository was ready. See my point by reading the replys in this thread.
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Chan 0
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Repo was flushed after I made the commits. How would I get the links before in the post otherwise. I will recommit in an hour or so.

The reason for flushing it is that GitHub from now on is and will be solely used for development and not release purposes - according to Domi. I can live by anything so, wait for me to recommit again.

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Falk 146
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Yeah, the longer we can wait the better it usually are, I fell for the pressure this time and made the announcement.

I pulled the RC from the repo and I also cleared Github out.
Github wa still not ordered according to previous agreement to move dev to PFDN and have the Archives hosted @ SF.

While I agree with Joinn and Hien in the above that we can use Github for the collaboration of this version it was still to early to land it there.

I still have a list of things that we should fix before doing a public dist, even to devs since it is things we know of.
Hien said that he will take the list today and we need to discuss a few options on lang panels etc..
atm there are 3 implementations we only need 1 and some optional or something like that anyway.

It is good to avoid fixes of issues we are aware of, sorry for the confusion.
The RC will be published when ready, quite soon I might add.
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Chan 0
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Ok, committing to github now.
Edited by Chan on 12-09-2014 18:13,
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Arda 10
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If SF is only for hosting releases, we can also push and announce releases over GitHub, e.g like macvim does. This way, there will be one less service to manage.

Apart from that, great job done guys :G
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Rizado 10
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I'm testing now!

RC is good but I have a technical question. Where I may ask them?
In first, what a codepage I must use for multilingual content? In English locale I see:
$locale['charset']   = "iso-8859-1";

For Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages I must use windows-1251 or UTF-8? And is possible to display page with news in different languages, for example, English, Russian and Spanish?
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Chan 0
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Yes. It's possible with 7.03.

Please fork and watch the Repo development very frequently so you can pull in new commits everyday. I'm making several commits per day and sometimes by the hour. :)
Edited by Chan on 13-09-2014 04:23,
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Chan 0
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Hey Arda, long time no see! Please help with SEO, and Github. :) Hehe!

Domi is tracking download rates at SF. Git-hub will be used by us developers only. We won't be allowed to direct any Users to Github for anything, and as such even the code is perfected, we are to mark Github as unsafe for production use. But for developers, those releases could be something so, if we make the line very clear, then yes. :)
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Falk 146
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Hien´s info post have been moved to the dedicated forum for the Development where it belongs.
Just to be clear, yes the less Dev copies we have out for the general public the better of we are on the support load.
We just don´t have the resources / time to support it in a good manner as it is today.
Everyone interested to participate in PHPFusion´s Development are welcome to join us via the PFDN registration
I will lock this thread now, see you in the Development forums!
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Rizado 10
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faga 10
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