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Like PHPFusion?

Asked Modified Viewed 1,971 times
Chan 0
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Hi everyone, I thought of leaving a short remark before I start my coding for the today. I just want to say I'm happy to see many people Liking this project latelyI Thank you for those who have done so... it was inspiring to get those Facebook mail.

If you haven't Facebook Like us yet, or Google +1 us, (we only keep two public) ones... well, anyway, please help to do so, while it enable you to receive news from us, or simply show us the appreciation that you are in favor of our project results so far.

Please also be informed that we do not make support or requests on social network websites, but you can certainly leave comments to talk to us always.

Many exciting content will come after we reach our major milestone soon. FYI, we are achieving minor milestones consistently over the past months and it is looking very good for us. All core system are being reviewed consistently, thanks to the beta debuggers and senior developers. Everyone is in a singular vision now. A big cheers on that, well deserved. Very motivating moment!

On a side remark to everyone, this is an open source community on fair share basis, and what was taken from us, must be returned in some kind of request. For instance, the copyright notice.

Please abstain from breaking these terms, as breaking the cycle will deprived us from our goals, and efforts in the continuation of this project we, that those who are currently helping out are hoping for. Contributors spend time, and acknowledge requests from time to time. If the project is successful, we are all in for just that big cheers knowing that more and more people come here, make more content for everyone, this is the whole picture, nothing fancier than that.

And we don't need to tell everyone that your website will look so professional now with the slightest mod, all you need is just a little bit of hands on experience, and we keep a superb support and feedback level. It's nothing short of a mini Stack-overflow.

So, please keep your Copyright notices intact, or make some petty funds on the scripts to us if you decide to make money out of this project, so we can afford to use the gratuity to hire developers, and make better free content to the community in return... or make use money for project marketing, and other meaningful means soley for the purpose of this Project. Do not steal from the community.

The beta is coming up steadily as we speak. We are in round 2 now, and it will be round 3 soon in the next 7 days. We have now 6 people contributing actively at core level.

If you are keen to help, please voice out in the beta forums. They are all heard and read every minute. If it is good idea, we will simply keep it in the V9.00 Roadmap forum which we will look into... and release in the next major 9.1.xx , if we have chance to complete them later.

Anyway, for everyone yet another great CMS, with far more robust and very powerful is coming never like before. Version 9.00's development is getting stronger by the hour. To think when it started out, our reviews were so strong that many assumed it was a totally new overhaul. It was a surprise take for myself. But anyway, I assumed you would be really liked them.

So please express yourself like others, whether yourself a developer, a user, or a business enterprise, or a host provider, please +1 Like PHPFusion now! PHPFusion FTW!

Edited by N/A on 26-11-2014 06:40,
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Homdax 10
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+1 ;)
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Junior Member

Thanks for the update, Hien! The Beta Version is looking & testing awesomely right now. It's great to see how you have made such huge changes in the Core without it needing to affect any of the infusions....I take my hat off to you on that, as I am testing another PHP Platform which have completely changed their core resulting in none of their addons working at all & all developers having to rewrite. Glad to know PHPFusion think of it's Developers when continuing with it's Projects. Good job!
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Rudios 10
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Homdax 10
  • Fusioneer, joined since
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Chan 0
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Rudios 10
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