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Aer theme width

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Does anybody know how can i set the width of Aer theme? Because on 16:9 screen it looks terrible (so flat), and I want to resize it...

Thank you
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//Theme Settings
define("THEME_WIDTH", "95%"); //theme width. Make sure to adapt the margin-left in the first div (-width/2).
define("THEME_BULLET", "<span class='bullet'>&middot;</span>"); //bullet image
$enable_colour_switcher = true; //true=enable colour switcher | false=disable colour switcher
$enable_fontsize_switcher = true; //true=enable fontsize switcher | false=disable fontsize switcher
$enable_column_switcher = true; //true=enable column switcher | false=disable column switcher
//Theme Settings /
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when I change it, nothing happens, for example I make it 80% and still no difference
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It still needs some polishing, but it'll make the theme width work.

/*.aer Theme for PHPFusion v7.......*|
|*.Author: Max "Matonor" Toball......*|
|*.Released under the Affero GPLv3...*/
//Theme Settings
define("THEME_WIDTH", "1140px"); //theme width. Make sure to adapt the margin-left in the first div (-width/2).
define("THEME_BULLET", "<span class='bullet'>&middot;</span>"); //bullet image
$enable_colour_switcher = true; //true=enable colour switcher | false=disable colour switcher
$enable_fontsize_switcher = true; //true=enable fontsize switcher | false=disable fontsize switcher
$enable_column_switcher = true; //true=enable column switcher | false=disable column switcher
//Theme Settings /

if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }
require_once INCLUDES."theme_functions_include.php";
require_once THEMES."templates/switcher.php";

$colour_switcher = new Switcher("select", "colour", "png", "blue", "switcherbutton");

$column_switcher = new Switcher("select", "columns", "png", "both", "switcherbutton");

$fontsize_switcher = new Switcher("increment", "fontsize", "png", 1, "switcherbutton", "", true, array("step" => 0.1, "max" => 1.5));

redirect_img_dir(THEME."forum", THEME."forum/".$colour_switcher->selected);
set_image("pollbar", THEME."images/navbg.jpg");

function get_head_tags(){
   global $colour_switcher, $fontsize_switcher, $column_switcher;
   echo $colour_switcher->makeHeadTag();
   echo $column_switcher->makeHeadTag();
   echo "<style type='text/css'>body{font-size: ".$fontsize_switcher->selected."em;}</style>";
   echo "<!--[if lte IE 7]><style type='text/css'>.clearfix {display:inline-block;} * html .clearfix{height: 1px;}#subheader ul {display:inline-block;}#subheader ul {display:inline;}#subheader ul li {float:left;}</style><![endif]-->";

function render_page($license=false) {
   global $aidlink, $locale, $settings, $colour_switcher, $fontsize_switcher, $column_switcher, $main_style;
   echo "\t<div id='body2'>
      <div id='header' class='clearfix'>
         <div class='resized' style='width:".THEME_WIDTH."; margin: 0 auto;'>
            <div id='userbar' class='floatfix'>
               <ul id='anchors' class='flleft'><li><a href='#content'>".$locale['global_210']."</a></li></ul>
               <ul id='links' class='clearfix flright'>\n";
                  echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><a href='".BASEDIR."edit_profile.php'>".$locale['global_120']."</a> </li>
                  <li> | <a href='".BASEDIR."messages.php'>".$locale['global_121']."</a></li>
                  ".(iADMIN ? "<li> | <a href='".ADMIN."index.php".$aidlink."' >".$locale['global_123']."</a></li>" : "")."
                  <li> | <a href='".BASEDIR."setuser.php?logout=yes'>".$locale['global_124']."</a></li>\n";
                  echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li><a href='".BASEDIR."login.php'>".$locale['global_104']."</a></li>
                  ".($settings['enable_registration'] ? "<li> | <a href='".BASEDIR."register.php'>".$locale['global_107']."</a></li>\n" : "");
               echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>
            <div id='mainheader' class='clearfix'>".showbanners()."</div>
      <div id='subheader' class='floatfix'>
        <div style='width:".THEME_WIDTH."; margin: 0 auto;'>
         <div class='resized flleft'>
            preg_replace("^(li)( class='(first-link)')*(><a href='(\.\./)*".preg_quote(START_PAGE)."')^i", "\\1 class='active \\3'\\4", showsublinks(""))."
         <div id='switcher' class='flright'>
      <div id='main' style='width:".THEME_WIDTH."; margin: 0 auto;'>
         <div id='cont_r'>
            <div id='cont_l'>
               <div id='cont' class='clearfix $main_style'>
                  ".(LEFT ? "<div id='side-border-left'>".LEFT."</div>" : "")."
                  ".(RIGHT ? "<div id='side-border-right'>".RIGHT."</div>" : "")."
                  <div id='main-bg'><div id='container'>".
   <div id='closer'></div>
   <div id='footer' class='floatfix' style='width:".THEME_WIDTH."; margin: 0 auto;'>
      ".(!$license ? "<div class='flleft' style='width: 50%'>".showcopyright()."<br />\n Theme designed by <a href='http://matonor.com'>Max Toball</a></div>" : "")."
      <div class='flright' style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'>".stripslashes($settings['footer'])."</div>
   <div id='subfooter' class='clearfix' style='width:".THEME_WIDTH."; margin: 0 auto;'>
      <div class='flleft' style='width: 50%'>".sprintf($locale['global_172'], substr((get_microtime() - START_TIME),0,4))."</div>
      <div class='flright' style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'>".showcounter()."</div>


/* New in v7.02 - render comments */
function render_comments($c_data, $c_info){
   global $locale, $settings;
   if (!empty($c_data)){
      echo "<div class='comments floatfix'>\n";
         $c_makepagenav = '';
         if ($c_info['c_makepagenav'] !== FALSE) {
         echo $c_makepagenav = "<div style='text-align:center;margin-bottom:5px;'>".$c_info['c_makepagenav']."</div>\n";
         foreach($c_data as $data) {
           $comm_count = "<a href='".FUSION_REQUEST."#c".$data['comment_id']."' id='c".$data['comment_id']."' name='c".$data['comment_id']."'>#".$data['i']."</a>";
         echo "<div class='tbl2 clearfix floatfix'>\n";
         if ($settings['comments_avatar'] == "1") { echo "<span class='comment-avatar'>".$data['user_avatar']."</span>\n"; }
           echo "<span style='float:right' class='comment_actions'>".$comm_count."\n</span>\n";
         echo "<span class='comment-name'>".$data['comment_name']."</span>\n<br />\n";
         echo "<span class='small'>".$data['comment_datestamp']."</span>\n";
   if ($data['edit_dell'] !== false) { echo "<br />\n<span class='comment_actions'>".$data['edit_dell']."\n</span>\n"; }
         echo "</div>\n<div class='tbl1 comment_message'>".$data['comment_message']."</div>\n";
      echo $c_makepagenav;
      if ($c_info['admin_link'] !== FALSE) {
         echo "<div style='float:right' class='comment_admin'>".$c_info['admin_link']."</div>\n";
      echo "</div>\n";
   } else {
      echo $locale['c101']."\n";

function render_news($subject, $news, $info) {

   global $locale;
   echo "<div class='floatfix'>".$info['cat_image'].$news."</div>
   <div class='news-footer'>
      ".newsposter($info," &middot;").newsopts($info,"&middot;").itemoptions("N",$info['news_id']).


function render_article($subject, $article, $info) {

   global $locale;
   echo "<div class='floatfix'>".($info['article_breaks'] == "y" ? nl2br($article) : $article)."</div>
   <div class='news-footer'>
      ".articleposter($info," &middot;").articleopts($info,"&middot;").itemoptions("A",$info['article_id']).

function opentable($title) {

   echo "\n
   <div class='lbg'><div class='rbg'>
   <div class='tbg'><div class='bbg'>
   <div class='ctl'><div class='cbl'><div class='ctr'><div class='cbr'>
   <div class='panelbody'>".(!empty($title) ? "<h2 class='panelcap'>$title</h2>" : "")."\n";


function closetable() {

   echo "\t</div>


$panel_collapse = true;
function openside($title, $collapse = false, $state = "on") {
   static $box_id = 0; $box_id++;
   global $panel_collapse, $p_data; $panel_collapse = $collapse;
   if($p_data['panel_filename'] == "css_navigation_panel") $title = "";
   opentable(($collapse ? panelbutton($state,$box_id) : "").$title);
   echo ($collapse ? panelstate($state, $box_id) : "");

function closeside() {

   global $panel_collapse, $p_data;
   echo ($panel_collapse ? "\t</div>" : "");

Edited by NetriX on 29-12-2014 12:39,
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I tried to change the code and edit width but nothing happens.. Whad do i do wrong?
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