Hi there!
I'm back with Fusion after a few years with Joomla and Wordpress, and I'm feeling pretty green over here.
This is the thing:
Im setting up a website with several usergroups that need different permissions.
Usergroup 1: Forum admins (Solved myself)
Usergroup 2: Spesific forum admins (Altso solved myself)
Usergroup 3: This group should onlt be able to post and moderate news and articles
Usergroup 4: This should be a lighter admin group that can moderate a few sections like approving user registrations,
addig FAQ, moderating news and articles and the forum.
As you see, Ive figured out usergroup 1 & 2 (so simple even granny could do it!),
but Im stuck on 3 & 4. Is there any way I can set permissions like that to an entire usergroup?
Mabye there is an infusion that can help?
Btw, Im more a greasemonkey than a codemonkey!
Thanks in advance for answers :)
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