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Emoji's instead of smileys

Asked Modified Viewed 1,353 times
Wanabo 10
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Came a cross Emoji's and directly saw the usefulness for integration in php-fusion.

What are Emoji's? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoji
It would be perfect if these Emoji's could be remotely hosted and loaded like gravatars.. Perhaps there is all ready such a service.
Here is a nice overview: http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/ and the source code, https://github.com/arvida/emoji-cheat...-sheet.com
And here is an example code how to find relevant Emoji's, https://github.com/muan/emoji

The above is just something I spotted on the web and maybe it will be picked up by php-fusion developers if they see the potential for it.
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Wanabo 10
pHp-Fusion.Asia & pHp-Fusion.Fr & pHp-Fusion.Cn are available for a localized support community. Send PB for info.
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