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User Store help

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I am working on an infusion that would allow users to have there own store and be able to sell what they want on it. I have ran into a bit of an issue with displaying items in the shop. I am trying to limit the amount of items per row that display and not per page. My goal is to have 4 items per row in each category.
this what it looks like atm.

this is what i am trying to have it look like.

this is my code

            echo "<div align='center'><table><tr><th colspan=5>Browsing shop items at <b>".$shopdata['shop']."...</b></tr>";
         echo "<tr>";
            $qtwo =
                            "SELECT si.*,i.*,it.* FROM ".DB_SHOPITEMS." si LEFT JOIN ".DB_ITEMS." i ON si.sitemITEMID=i.itemid LEFT JOIN ".DB_ITEMTYPES." it ON i.itemtype=it.itemtypeid WHERE si.sitemSHOP=".$_GET['shop']." ORDER BY i.itemtype, i.itembuyprice, i.itemname") or die(mysql_error());
            $st = "";
            while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($qtwo))
                if ($st != $data['itemtypename'])
                    $st = $data['itemtypename'];
                    echo"<tr><th colspan=5>".$st."</th></tr>";
   echo "<td width='125'></br><div align='center' class='prod_box'>
        <div class='center_prod_box'>
          <div align='center' class='product_title'>".$data['itemname']."<a href='#'></a></div>
          <div align='center' class='product_img'><a href='#'><img src='images/p1.jpg' alt='".$r['itmdesc']."' border='0' /></a></div>
          <div align='center' class='prod_price'><span class='price'>".$buyprice."</span></div>
        <div class='prod_details_tab'><form action='process_buy.php?ID=".$data['itemid']."' method='post'>Qty: <input type='text' name='qty' value='1' style='width:20px;'>
      <input type='submit' value='Buy'></form></br></div>
          echo "</tr>";
            echo "</table></div>";
Edited by vidzspot on 13-09-2015 06:25,
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Chan 0
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<div style='width:100%; display:block;'>
$qtwo =
                            "SELECT si.*,i.*,it.* FROM ".DB_SHOPITEMS." si LEFT JOIN ".DB_ITEMS." i ON si.sitemITEMID=i.itemid LEFT JOIN ".DB_ITEMTYPES." it ON i.itemtype=it.itemtypeid WHERE si.sitemSHOP=".$_GET['shop']." ORDER BY i.itemtype, i.itembuyprice, i.itemname") or die(mysql_error());
            $st = "";
            while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($qtwo))
                if ($st != $data['itemtypename'])
                    $st = $data['itemtypename'];
                    echo "<div style='width: 25%; float:left; padding:15px;'>\n"; // You said 4 right? 100/4 = 25
                    echo "Hammer for sale";
                    echo "</div>\n";
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hey thanks but that doesn't work they i need it to. each item is a different name.

I managed to kinda get it to display the way i would like but still not exactly correct.

echo "<div align='center'><table><tr><th colspan=5>Browsing shop items at <b>".$shopdata['shop']."...</b></tr>";
 echo "<tr>";


         echo "<div style='width:100%; display:block; align='center'><table width='100%'>";
             $i = 0;
       if ($i==0){
         echo "<tr>";

this is how it currently is displaying with my changed code.
vidzspot attached the following file:
see.png [No information available / 66 Downloads]
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Falk 146
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The example you were given was a div model, you are trying it on a table model.
the table model need to terminate and re-open <tr> for each 4 items counted ( as an example ).

if ($i==4){
         echo "</tr><tr>";

You need to close it all outside the while loop such as ,

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Falk 146
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