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Connection Error

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Unable to establish connection to MySQL
2013 : Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 61
This came up when changing the Site links in the admin panel.

I have 1 infusion installed the video pro.

Any suggestions
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Chan 0
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Server issues.

2013 : Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 61
- means your SQL connection is not connecting to your service provider.

On standard port it's "localhost". Having a non standard port could result this. if you are using a memcached module, you'll see a similar error, if the memcached service isn't running. A dying hard drive or in more technical - corrupted root partition could also result this. I had this error as well on my old machine running LAMP server resulting me buying my current workstation.
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Chan 0
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