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Connecting to PHPFusion Database & Panel With Form To Post Data

Asked Modified Viewed 1,130 times
Trix 10
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Hi All

My PHP & MySQL programming skills are very limited. I need some help to be able to connect to the php-fusion database and connect to a table that I create and insert data into it form a form that is currently in a panel. I then need to recall the data onto a page to display it.

Can someone help me. Its a simple request, nothing to sophisticated. Just need a little help.
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Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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The best way to learn how to do it is to look at the shoutbox infusion that is in /infusions/ . Go through all the files, and refer to php site like w3schools for the explanation bit regarding php syntax. It was coded 10 years ago, so it's pretty basic and straightforward.
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Trix 10
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Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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  • Started 232 threads in the forums
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