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Uploaded photogallery thumbnail errors

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I'm having problems with photo thumbnails when I upload photos into an album, and it seems rather random or at least I cannot see any specific pattern. I used the 'upload multiple photos' option, and several albums of at least 10 photos are fine. The last two albums, however, I'm seeing missing _t2.jpg thumbnails. In the same folders I'm also seeing file5 having file4_t2.jpg as its display thumbnail. Files file6.jpg, file7.jpg, file8.jpg have the same file4_t2.jpg as their thumbnails. Then it clears up for several more files and then happens again. I have attached a screenshot of what the table looks like in my MySQL db.

Any help is appreciated.
batbaru1 attached the following file:
photos_table.jpg [No information available / 82 Downloads]
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Falk 146
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The system does not create t2´s on smaller files. It can be a bit tricky since the applications need to check for it before display either 2 or 1.
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— 5 months later —
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I'm seeing this problem too. So is the answer to upload photos file sizes of a minimum size?
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Falk 146
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Yes if you want double thumbs created.
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Falk 146
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