Hi everyone,
I downloaded advanced custom pages, it installed no problem,
I downloaded Event Calendar, and as it too is listed as an infusion, i placed it in the same folder as advanced custom pages, went to fusions, infused it, then loged in as a regular user, clicked on event calendar link, it opened, but I see the following message above the calendar, "Table 'fvcf_1.fusion84u6b_aw_ec_events' doesn't exist"
I looked in the forum, found an entry suggesting I change TYPE=MyISAM, to, ENGINE=MyISAM,
in "my" fusions folder, i have my "advanced custom pages folder", which contains it's incfusion.php,
as does the event calendar inclusion folder, but there is no occurance of either TYPE=MyISAM or ENGINE=MyISAM in the event calindar's infuse.php, either way, have I gone about installing this event calendar inclusion wrongly, also, when i'm in the admin panel, and click on inclucions, then event calendar, It says its not installed, even though i can see it is, with the exception it does not work and has that table does not exist message above it,
, is this adon an infusion, or am i trying to install it in the wrong place,
Perhaps someone could direct me through installing this event calendar, also, am using version 7-02-06 of php-fusion, and 0.8.4 of event calendar,
any help would be much appreciated,
thank you kindly,
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