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Portal structure

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Falken 10
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Hi, all

I hope to correctly explain my trouble. I was very happy when I discovered PHPFusion 7, because I was searching for a "classic" CMS. What do I mean with "classic"? Well. I'm working on a site where the target users are not mobile users. I really don't care about having a responsive site. I'm planning to build a classic "portal", having probably a "2 colums on sides + 1 main content centre" looking, with forums, articles, file/media download galleries.

My "ideal user" must have all easely clickable from the frontpage, without need to tap on scrolldown menus, just to change site section. My ideal user has a normal monitor, not a 5" display so I see NO reason to put him/her in front of a page structure hardly built and designed to be tapped on a smartphone.

I really liked the customization possibilities of version 7. Now my question is: Version 9 will still support this kind of site structure, or I'll be forced to mess with yet-another joomla/wp looking "cms"? In case V9 won't support anymore this kind of good old cms style, version 7 will be still useable and supported, or will I risk to walk on a dead track?

Thanks in advance for any answer and suggestions :)
Edited by Falken on 29-01-2017 20:36,
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Falk 146
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Hi there,

The faith of PHPFusion 7 is yet to be decided up on after we release a sharp 9.
Initially we will naturally keep as is but whether we continue to patch and update it or eventually phase it out remains to see, even for us.

With that said, we have managed to maintain a very high compatibility to v7 from v9 today.
Most v7 Themes as they are should be able to run on 9 with little to no modifications.

PHPFusion 9 also do have something we call Dynamics and Defender. I do realize that Dynamics & Defender can deter people who are used to do things in a more traditional / classical way while these are very excellent for less experienced users that need more of an framework to rely on.

I actually planned to post a tutorial on how to bypass all that in PHPFusion 9 while you still maintain a high level of security. ( at least v7 level )

The short answer is, Yes PHPFusion 9´s Development style and methods can work just as it does in PHPFusion 7 today with perhaps some minor v7 Theme tweaks and only a couple of extra lines for form tokens. The classical stripinput and 7´s basic security measures are all present in 9.
I will post more about this later since I do see the need.

PHPFusion 9 will never be anything like Joomla nor Wordpress, we strive keep things flexible and simple.
The performance on 9 already beats the latest versions of Joomla and WP from 1 and even up to 3 times over in some areas. Disclaimer is that it was a while ago we tested now. New numbers out in final !.
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Falken 10
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Many thanks for your precise answer :)

I'd like to specify what I mean with "traditional" way. I'll deal with users not embarassed using the mouse wheel to scroll up/down the webpage. A simple and clear look like this one ( http://php-fusion.us/news.php ) could be very near what I need and what my target users expect. If you can grant me that v9 will support something similar, without forcing me (and my users too) dealing with a look typically designed to be shown on a 5" mobile display, php-fusion will remain my goal :D

Thanks again for your answers and forgive me for my horrible english ;)
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Falk 146
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The Theme you linked to is called Patriot and can be found in the AddonDB for v7, idk status on it for 9 atm, however as mentioned most things should work with little to no modifications.
Naturally glitches can and will occur when using v7 Themes in 9 but it is adjustable.
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Chan 0
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Many thanks for your precise answer :)

I'd like to specify what I mean with "traditional" way. I'll deal with users not embarassed using the mouse wheel to scroll up/down the webpage. A simple and clear look like this one ( http://php-fusion.us/news.php ) could be very near what I need and what my target users expect. If you can grant me that v9 will support something similar, without forcing me (and my users too) dealing with a look typically designed to be shown on a 5" mobile display, php-fusion will remain my goal :D

Thanks again for your answers and forgive me for my horrible english ;)
- by Falken

PHPFusion 9 relies 100% on Twitter Bootstrap Theme Framework to render it's output to make desktop/mobile compliant.
So any Theme, compatible with Bootstrap is and will be 100% guaranteed compatible with PHPFusion 9.

Mind that, when we coded - all Infusions Templates are coded in Bootstrap HTML CSS markup.

We have a Turn off Bootstrap in the Admin area, but you need to code your Theme's template output. It will not be a very easy task and probably set you off months in designing each and every infusions HTML. They are template-able of course and methods on how to do that have been provided.
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Falk 146
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Chan 0
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