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Road Map For Future Updates?

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First off, I want to thank everyone who was involved in releasing Fusion 9. Fusion was the first CMS I used when I started learning php back in 2005. The software has some a long way and I am happy to continue supporting it.

I have a few questions and I hope that the Admins/Devs do not get mad at me lol..

Fusion 7 is pretty solid and established. With that being said, will it take months and years to get 50% of the themes and addons that currently work with 7?

I ask this because I am returning back to PHPFusion after my dislike in phpbb. I trust the community here at phpfusion and I want to come back home my family lol. Given this, I am undecided on what version to use and here's why.

PHPFUSION 9 lacks customizations and themes which basically is a barebones script.
- So I am not sure if I should wait until 9 is stable and has some features/themes to get my site live.
- It appears from the forums that many are having issues upgrading from 7 to 9 so If i start using 7 will I have issues upgrading to 9?
- The main site is currently using 7 with an awesome theme and custom add ons. This is what I need for my site to go live but I do not want to miss out on a better coded and modern version of the script.

I guess what I am trying to say is, is there a roadmap for the next update and will the Atom x2 or similar theme be provided?

I really want to start using PHPFusion again but If I go with 7 because it has most of the things I need, will I miss out on being able to upgrade my site to 9 and still be able to use current Atom Theme available, infusions, etc.

I'm lost looking for guidance because I need to get my site up and running as soon as possible.

Thanks everyone!
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Chan 0
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Thank you for the kind words. You are welcome.

Ok, may I ask what is the purpose of your website?

The future has just started with v9. In essence Id say dont go through upgrade process if it is possible.
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I am trying to make a site similar to ownedcore.com for gamers to buy/sell/trade games etc as well as provide news and info about upcoming games, comic books, etc. Because PHPFUSION 9 so is barebones, I dont think I will be able to accomplish this with the new software... at least with the theme (Atom X/X2) I can have some sore of start
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Chan 0
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Well, then you need a Store solution to sell things. We're not there yet. We need similar in this support site as well. So, please kinda wait for something to be released in the future.

For theme, the supplied Septenary theme is boxed design. Maybe you can tweak the css.
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@Chan its not a store site... its a forum.. but members just create threads where they can buy/sell/trade... they use vBulletin forum software
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Chan 0
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