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wiki infusion

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Danish translator of PHP-Fusion helmuth@php-fusion.dk
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Where to download the wiki infusion installed at this site?
Edited by helmuth on 31-12-2018 08:20,
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Falk 146
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It has not been released. I am not sure if it is ready ( prepared for infusion etc) but can look at it for a release if you want to use it?
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Danish translator of PHP-Fusion helmuth@php-fusion.dk
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That would be nice
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I have it from Chan and it does not work with any new version.
That's why I'm doing a new one. And it's licensed under EPAL. So it will be never published for everyone. Sorry. Only for this site purposes.
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ikandi 10
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Hi RobiNN

If you need someone to test any Wiki platform I will volunteer.
I've done a lot of paid/prof work using Wiki platforms, mostly DokuWiki and MediaWiki, but DokuWiki is far nicer IMHO.
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It's simple wiki platform with basic functions like news, blog... with Changelog, markdown support and some more features
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Chan 0
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I have never used dokuwiki before but I heard good things about it. Just out of curiosity - from user experience how do you do the language translations in an article?

Does it require some other language editor to make translations line by line word by word ? What if the translations are inaccurate or has more information than the original one?

How do you make sure of consistency?
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ikandi 10
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Hi Chan,

There are translation plugins for DokuWiki, the latest being: https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:translation
If you go to their main page: https://www.dokuwiki.org/start?id=dokuwiki, just above their sidebar menu, you can change the language settings to an alternative.
I'm not quite sure what the process is for verifying foreign language translations, whether it is done manually or through some algorithm or machine learning process.
I haven't had a requirement to work with foreign translations as such.

I could ask Andreas Grohr, who is the lead developer. He has developed many plugins over the years.
DokuWiki also has a Bootstrap3 framework which makes it very nice to use. BS3 is set up as a theme, so you just switch to that.

My three major concerns with DokuWiki are;

1) It doesn't scale up very effectively as a flat-file system, versus a mySQL backend. I had one system that started falling over as soon as we got over a 1000 pages onto the web server.
2) Much of the page creation is done manually a page at a time, especially if you want to add things like page linking, social media buttons etc.
3) Doing bulk page editing is virtually impossible. Unlike PHP Fusion's tables, which I can export out as a CSV, edit multiple records using cut/paste of text blocks, and reimport, and it's done.

DokuWiki works best when applied to smaller manageable projects, not large wholesale systems with thousands of records.

There are other Wiki systems too which I believe are better options for use with mySQL, the best being Tiki (https://tiki.org).
I haven't played around with that one, though I do have a test instance. It's just a matter of finding the time to delve into it.

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Danish translator of PHP-Fusion helmuth@php-fusion.dk
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