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Using table-responsive

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I'm struggling with and trying to understand how to use some of the new functions in v9.03 . Here is what I added to my script:
echo "<div class='table-responsive'><table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='table tbl-brdr3'>\n"; ...my code... echo "</table></div>\n";

Image below shows no obvious change on full width screen:

Image below shows a functioning scroll bar below the responsive table:

This won't work on phones because android does not do side to side scrolling.

Image below shows a different script section where inner tables are side by side (2 column display); no scroll bar until screen width is lowered to about 429:

On this screen I need to learn how to make the inner tables stack vertically. I hope this all makes sense guys.
You can see all of this on my website by clicking Ebook Library on the side nav.
Edited by Grimloch on 07-09-2019 18:45,
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.table-responsive is part of Bootstrap CSS framework.


This won't work on phones because android does not do side to side scrolling.

It works everywhere...

See Bootstrap 3 docs - https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/
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Well I can see from your response that I am not making myself very clear; nevermind then I will work through it myself and perhaps be able to figure something out. BTW did you even check out my Ebook Library on my website?
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