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New install and user login

Asked Modified Viewed 832 times
Dren 10
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I am having an issue with a fresh install that I just can not seem to figure out. When members register on the server an email is not dispatched, I have verified the email is sending and that it it responding to rDNS. I have tried registering users with the email verification both on and off with no joy. Upon manually activating the new users they are saying that they cannot login. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Web-server software Apache
PHP version 7.2.27
PHP interface litespeed
MySQL Server version 5.5.5-10.0.38-MariaDB-cll-lve
Database Driver PDOMySQL
PHPFusion version 9.03.20

Edited by Dren on 13-02-2020 19:50,
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Chan 0
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Ensure your site is properly set up.

Site Protocol: https://
Site URL: www.yourdomain.com
Site Path is : "/"
Site Port: leave blank.

Look at config.php, ensure SECRET_KEY and SECRET_KEY_SALT is defined, set db_driver='pdo'

Add a member yourself in admin panel. Use another browser, confirm that you can log in with it after that.

Let us know.
Edited by Falk on 14-02-2020 02:21,
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Chan 0
Lead Developer of PHP-Fusion
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Dren 10
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