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Multisite questions with v9

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Cupid 10
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I have upgraded from v7 to v9 after a couple of years. Can anyone tell me what is different about the multisite feature?

I've noticed that the multisite_includes doesn't have an option for forums. Is that option totally gone? I don't understand how everything has changed. 
There seem to be some forum categories that I can't see. Am I missing a setting or something? 

Is the cookie_prefix related to multisite? 
If I want to be logged on using the same user DBprefix on multiple sites without logging off, is that possible? 

Should all of my sites have a subdomain or can one of them have the domain.tld and the rest be subdomain.domain.tld, sub2.domain.tld, etc. 

Thank you for any advice!

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Falk 146
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So Multisite breakdowns,

Installl 1 site. 1.com
Install 2nd site 2.com

Now, the sites specific config have new db_prefix for each sites content.
multisite_include.php defines what to share and not.
Adjust config.php for each site to share cookie prefixes for user database sharing. ( Must be the same ).

If shared, all except avatars/images/files will be shared. The system is not perfect in that sense.

When it comes to missing forums, enter Administration and check the rights. Some rights might require an oversight after Upgrade.

When it comes to missing definition,
You can complete the list with anything you missed with information from infusions/INFUSION/infusion_db.php
Since all the previous Core "Infusions" have been lifted out to be optional real Infusions.

For forum example,

if (!defined("FORUM")) {
 define("FORUM", INFUSIONS."forum/");
if (!defined("RANKS")) {
 define("RANKS", FORUM."ranks/");

if (!defined("DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS", DB_PREFIX."forum_attachments");
if (!defined("DB_FORUM_POLL_OPTIONS")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_POLL_OPTIONS", DB_PREFIX."forum_poll_options");
if (!defined("DB_FORUM_POLL_VOTERS")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_POLL_VOTERS", DB_PREFIX."forum_poll_voters");
if (!defined("DB_FORUM_POLLS")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_POLLS", DB_PREFIX."forum_polls");
if (!defined("DB_FORUM_POSTS")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_POSTS", DB_PREFIX."forum_posts");
if (!defined("DB_FORUM_RANKS")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_RANKS", DB_PREFIX."forum_ranks");
if (!defined("DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY", DB_PREFIX."forum_thread_notify");
if (!defined("DB_FORUM_THREADS")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_THREADS", DB_PREFIX."forum_threads");
if (!defined("DB_FORUM_VOTES")) {
 define("DB_FORUM_VOTES", DB_PREFIX."forum_votes");
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Cupid 10
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Thanks for your help. As I said before I really appreciate it. 

I understood most of the prefix questions you answered. 

So I can have 1.site.com 2.site.com 3.site.com but I should avoid the regular site.com? and config.phph for each site needs to be the same cookie_prefix? Got it. 

You kind of lost me when it comes to FOrum definitions. This is custom code I need to enter? 
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Cupid 10
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I figured out what you're talking about the with infusions_db. Easy enough. 

I also had to go into the database admin itself and change persmissions manually on many forums and then assigned them how I wanted in the admin panel. Also not a big deal. Just glad it was easy. 

The only issue I'm really having now is one of the sites I can't log on at all. I hit enter and it's like you never even tried. Doesn't even say invalid password or anything. I did change this from "site.com" to "sub1.site.com"  Edit: FIXED. Thanks
Edited by Cupid on 09-11-2020 17:34,
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Quick fix, open phpmyadmin, then open SQL in the top bar and paste this code. Of course don't forget to change the PREFIX to yours
UPDATE PREFIX_messages SET message_user=message_to;
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If you hit the send button a few times it will eventually send. I received a flood message.

We have flood control for members (admins are not affected) and by default you have to wait 15s before submit. In Security Settings you can turn off flood control or decrease interval.
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Falk 146
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time will tell if it fixes it. 

I am quite confident that it is fixed smile
When you enter Admin, a notice will pop letting you know when a new version is available.
Edited by Falk on 15-11-2020 04:36,
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