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Everyone has access to categories of other user groups when posting news

Asked Modified Viewed 384 times
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Hello everyone, please forgive me for using a translation program.
First, I created a user group and added members.
A new one has been created in the news categories, which should only be visible and available for selection by the user group you have just created.
But all users can access the protected category when posting news.

I want show some categorys in the newsform only to user from a specific group.

I use 9.10.30
Thank you for support and have a nice day
PostScript and a word to the developers: respect, the best base for people with disabilities for 25 years
P.P.S.: Take a look to Radiostation https://www.rheydt-live.de/ before vote the poll, thank you
Edited by surfuser007 on 03-04-2024 20:31,
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karrak 32
Van mi sosem változik..smile
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replace this
 $result = dbquery("SELECT
 ns.news_id AS id,
 ns.news_subject AS title,
 ns.news_news AS content,
 ns.news_reads AS views_count,
 ns.news_datestamp AS datestamp,
 nc.news_cat_id AS cat_id,
 nc.news_cat_name AS cat_name,
 ni.news_image AS image_main,
 ni.news_image_t1 AS image_thumb,
 ni.news_image_t2 AS image_thumb2,
 nc.news_cat_image AS cat_image,
 ".(!empty($comments_query) ? $comments_query : '')."
 ".(!empty($ratings_query) ? $ratings_query : '')."
 u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_status
 LEFT JOIN ".DB_NEWS_IMAGES." AS ni ON ni.news_id=ns.news_id
 LEFT JOIN ".DB_NEWS_CATS." AS nc ON nc.news_cat_id = ns.news_cat
 LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." AS u ON ns.news_name = u.user_id
 WHERE (".time()." > ns.news_start OR ns.news_start = 0)
 AND ns.news_draft = 0
 AND (".time()." < ns.news_end OR ns.news_end = 0)
 AND ".groupaccess('ns.news_visibility')." ".(multilang_table("NS") ? "AND ".in_group('news_language', LANGUAGE) : "")."
 GROUP BY ns.news_id
 ORDER BY ns.news_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".$limit

replace it with this
 $result = dbquery("SELECT
 ns.news_id AS id,
 ns.news_subject AS title,
 ns.news_news AS content,
 ns.news_reads AS views_count,
 ns.news_datestamp AS datestamp,
 nc.news_cat_id AS cat_id,
 nc.news_cat_name AS cat_name,
 ni.news_image AS image_main,
 ni.news_image_t1 AS image_thumb,
 ni.news_image_t2 AS image_thumb2,
 nc.news_cat_image AS cat_image,
 ".(!empty($comments_query) ? $comments_query : '')."
 ".(!empty($ratings_query) ? $ratings_query : '')."
 u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_status
 LEFT JOIN ".DB_NEWS_IMAGES." AS ni > ns.news_start OR ns.news_start = 0)
 AND ns.news_draft = 0
 AND (".time()." < ns.news_end OR ns.news_end = 0)
 AND ".groupaccess('ns.news_visibility')." AND ".groupaccess("nc.news_cat_visibility")." ".(multilang_table("NS") ? "AND ".in_group('news_language', LANGUAGE) : "")."
 GROUP BY ns.news_id
 ORDER BY ns.news_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".$limit

és az infusions/news/classes/news/news.php

 protected static function getNewsQuery(array $filters = []) {
 $news_settings = self::getNewsSettings();
 $cat_filter = self::checkNewsFilter();
 $pattern = "SELECT %s(nr.rating_vote) FROM ".DB_RATINGS." AS nr WHERE nr.rating_item_id = n.news_id AND nr.rating_type = 'N'";
 $sql_count = sprintf($pattern, 'COUNT');
 $sql_sum = sprintf($pattern, 'SUM');
 return "SELECT n.*, nc.*, nu.user_id, nu.user_name, nu.user_status, nu.user_avatar , nu.user_level, nu.user_joined,
 ($sql_sum) AS news_sum_rating,
 ($sql_count) AS news_count_votes,
 (SELECT COUNT(ncc.comment_id) FROM ".DB_COMMENTS." AS ncc WHERE ncc.comment_item_id = n.news_id AND ncc.comment_type = 'N') AS comments_count,
 ni.news_image, ni.news_image_t1, ni.news_image_t2
 LEFT JOIN ".DB_NEWS_IMAGES." AS ni >='".time()."') AND news_draft='0'
 ".(!empty($filters['condition']) ? "AND ".$filters['condition'] : '')."
 GROUP BY ".(!empty($filters['group_by']) ? $filters['group_by'] : 'news_id')."
 ORDER BY ".(!empty($filters['order']) ? $filters['order'].',' : '')." news_sticky DESC, ".$cat_filter['order']."
 LIMIT ".(!empty($filters['limit']) ? $filters['limit'] : $_GET['rowstart'].",".(!empty($news_settings['news_pagination']) ? $news_settings['news_pagination'] : 12)

replace it with this
 protected static function getNewsQuery(array $filters = []) {
 $news_settings = self::getNewsSettings();
 $cat_filter = self::checkNewsFilter();
 $pattern = "SELECT %s(nr.rating_vote) FROM ".DB_RATINGS." AS nr WHERE nr.rating_item_id = n.news_id AND nr.rating_type = 'N'";
 $sql_count = sprintf($pattern, 'COUNT');
 $sql_sum = sprintf($pattern, 'SUM');
 return "SELECT n.*, nc.*, nu.user_id, nu.user_name, nu.user_status, nu.user_avatar , nu.user_level, nu.user_joined,
 ($sql_sum) AS news_sum_rating,
 ($sql_count) AS news_count_votes,
 (SELECT COUNT(ncc.comment_id) FROM ".DB_COMMENTS." AS ncc WHERE ncc.comment_item_id = n.news_id AND ncc.comment_type = 'N') AS comments_count,
 ni.news_image, ni.news_image_t1, ni.news_image_t2
 LEFT JOIN ".DB_NEWS_IMAGES." AS ni ON ni.news_id=n.news_id AND ".(!empty($_GET['readmore']) ? "n.news_image_full_default=ni.news_image_id" : "n.news_image_front_default=ni.news_image_id")."
 LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." AS nu ON n.news_name=nu.user_id
 LEFT JOIN ".DB_NEWS_CATS." AS nc ON n.news_cat=nc.news_cat_id
 ".(multilang_table("NS") ? "WHERE ".in_group('news_language', LANGUAGE)." AND " : "WHERE ").groupaccess('news_visibility')." AND ".groupaccess("nc.news_cat_visibility")." AND (news_start='0'||news_start<='".time()."')
 AND (news_end='0'||news_end>='".time()."') AND news_draft='0'
 ".(!empty($filters['condition']) ? "AND ".$filters['condition'] : '')."
 GROUP BY ".(!empty($filters['group_by']) ? $filters['group_by'] : 'news_id')."
 ORDER BY ".(!empty($filters['order']) ? $filters['order'].',' : '')." news_sticky DESC, ".$cat_filter['order']."
 LIMIT ".(!empty($filters['limit']) ? $filters['limit'] : $_GET['rowstart'].",".(!empty($news_settings['news_pagination']) ? $news_settings['news_pagination'] : 12)
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karrak 32
Van mi sosem változik..smile
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